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gdalraster (dev)

  • getCreationOptions(): include $min and $max in the returned list if GDAL >= 3.11 (2025-03-22)

  • add validateCreationOptions(), validate the list of creation options that are handled by a driver (#663) (2025-03-17)

  • getCreationOptions(): change the return value to a named list of options with their information (#662) (2025-03-16)

  • rasterize(): support passing a GDALRaster object for in-place updating (#660) (2025-03-15)

  • fix bug in GDALVector write that could segfault with an input feature having zero attribute fields and one geometry field that uses the default geometry column name, e.g., a GeoJSON or shapefile layer with geometry only and no attribute fields (#659) (2025-03-14)

  • (internal) code linting for cppcheck style in geom_api.cpp and srs_api.cpp (#658) (2025-03-12)

  • ogr_proc(): rename argument return_lyr_obj to return_obj, to be consistent with other functions that optionally return a GDALVector or GDALRaster object (ogr_proc() is not in a release version yet so not designated as a breaking change) (2025-03-09)

  • transform_xy() / inv_project(): account for behavior change at GDAL 3.11 (#631) (2025-03-08)

  • geom api: support GeometryCollection in g_create() (#653) (2025-03-08)

  • (internal) [Valgrind] Fix memory leak in validateFeatInput_() (#652) (2025-03-07)

  • geom api: add g_is_3D() and g_is_measured() (#650) (2025-03-07)

  • Account for possible convertToLinear and/or promoteToMulti in the GIS attributes attached to vector read outputs (#645) (2025-03-05)

  • GDALVector: add per-object setting convertToLinear, whether to convert non-linear geometry types into linear geometry types by potentially approximating them (#629) (2025-03-04)

  • fix geometry binary op functions (g_intersection(), etc.): fix indexing of the output list when both inputs are list (#641) (2025-03-03)

  • add the writable field GDALVector::transactionsForce defaulted to FALSE (#640) (2025-03-03)

  • add GDALVector::batchCreateFeature(): write a batch of features to a layer from data frame input (#639) (2025-03-03)

  • GDALVector::testCapability(): add FastGetArrowStream and FastWriteArrowBatch in the returned list of layer capabilities (#638) (2025-03-03)

  • (internal) fix test in for GDAL >= 3.1.0 (2025-02-26)

  • GDALVector::getArrowStream(): default to GEOMETRY_METADATA_ENCODING=OGC instead of GEOARROW for now, i.e., use the GDAL default unless specified otherwise (2023-02-23)

  • (internal) various C++ code linting throughout (#624) (2025-02-23)

  • (internal) implement ogr_ds_create() and ogr_layer_create() as GDALVector object factories (#609) (2025-02-22)

  • add GDALVector::getArrowStream(): expose an Arrow C stream on a layer via nanoarrow_array_stream object (#591) (2025-02-22)

  • fix potential integer overflow when multiplying raster dimensions in R without explicit as.numeric() (#620 thanks to @mdsumner) (2025-02-21)

  • GDALVector::info(): enable full info output on a vector layer opened via SQL statement (#615 thanks to @mdsumner) (2025-02-21)

  • pixel_extract(): fix the check for GDAL >= 3.10 when cubic or cubicspline interpolation is requested (thanks to @mdsumner) (2025-02-21)

  • read_ds(): pre-allocate the output vector based on the size of the unioned data type across all bands (2025-02-18)

  • fix plot_raster() to avoid integer overflow (#613 thanks to @mdsumner) (2025-02-18)

  • (internal) implement create(), createCopy(), autoCreateWarpedVRT() as object factories (2025-02-14)

  • add S4 show() methods for the Rcpp exposed classes (2025-02-12)

  • add pixel_extract(): extract pixel values at geospatial point locations (#570) (2025-02-12)

  • g_create(): support input points with Z/M; support output of multiple POINT geoms from multiple xy input (optionally, instead of a single MULTIPOINT) (2025-02-09)

  • transform_xy() / inv_project(): support input points with z vertices (three column xyz) or time values (four column xyzt); optionally accept input of point geometries as character vector of WKT strings, WKB raw vector, or list of raw vectors (2025-02-09)

  • add g_coords(): extract coordinate values from geometries (2025-02-09)

  • improve and expand bindings to a subset of the GDAL Spatial Reference System API (#584) (2025-02-08)

  • add helper functions for GDAL raster data types (#593) (2025-02-08)

  • handle NA in the input coordinates to transform_xy(), inv_project(), transform_bounds(), apply_geotransform() and get_pixel_line() (#592) (2025-02-07)

  • add GDALVector::info(): print information about the vector layer to the console (2025-02-05)

  • improve GDALRaster::bbox() and GDALRaster::res() to handle south-up / rotated raster, with related fixes in read_ds() and plot_raster() (#569) (2025-02-03)

  • update the geometry interface to support the vector API in gdalraster 2.0, with changes to existing functions and add g_wk2wk(), g_create(), g_add_geom(), transform_bounds() (#572) (2025-02-03)

  • (internal) fix uninitialized variable in class GDALVector, compiler warning on macos (2025-02-03)

  • C++17 is now a system requirement (2025-02-02)

  • plot_raster(): add argument pixel_fn to specify a function that will be applied to the input data for plotting, and handle input raster with complex data type (#582) (2025-02-02)

  • GDALVector-class: rename the writable field $defaultGeomFldName to $defaultGeomColName (2025-02-01)

  • accept one (x, y) as a vector in functions that expect matrix or data frame input (transform_xy(), inverse_proj(), apply_geotransform(), get_pixel_line()) (2025-02-01)

  • (internal) validate input columns in the data frame-to-matrix internal C++ functions (2025-02-01)

  • add vsi_is_local(): returns whether the file/filesystem is “local”, wrapper of VSIIsLocal() (2025-01-31)

  • add GDALVector::getFieldDomain(): accepts the name of an OGR field domain associated with the dataset and returns a list containing the domain specifications (GDAL >= 3.3) (2025-01-20)

  • GDALVector::createDF_(): avoid clang-asan undefined-behavior error from RcppInt64::wrap() when called on a std::vector<int64_t> of size 0 (2025-01-19)

  • GDALVector: add a BBOX option for the per-object setting $returnGeomAs (2024-10-03)

  • add minimal S3 classes OGRFeature and OGRFeatureSet with methods for print() and plot() (2024-09-28)

  • add g_summary(): obtain text summaries of WKB/WKT geometries (GDAL >= 3.7) (2024-09-24)

  • update g_is_valid(), g_is_empty(), g_name() and g_buffer() to the new style geometry API: the OGR GEOS wrappers now operate on input of WKB raw vector, list of WKB, or character vector of WKT strings, with return as either WKB raw vector (or list of) / WKT character string (vector of) (2024-09-22)

  • add GDALVector::quiet: exposed read/write field to optionally suppress warnings etc. (2024-09-20)

  • the layer argument may be NULL or empty string in certain ogr_manage functions, defaulting to the first layer by index (mainly convenience for single-layer formats) (2024-09-19)

  • GDALVector: add get/set metadata methods for layer-level metadata if the format supports it (2024-09-19)

  • GDALVector: support writing OFTTime fields from string input "HH:MM:SS" (2024-09-16)

  • GDALVector: improve NULL handling in feature write methods (NA, NULL and empty vector (e.g., raw(0)) map to OGR NULL) (2024-09-15)

  • fix GDALVector::setSpatialFilter(): SRS was not set on the geometry before using it as the layer spatial filter, which could cause segfault (2024-09-15)

  • add g_make_valid(): attempt to make invalid geometries valid, operating on input of WKB raw vector, list of WKB, or character vector of WKT strings (2024-09-15)

  • remove the class field GDALVector::featureTemplate as not needed / not useful, and its removal fixes Valgrind errors (#520) (2024-09-14)

  • add g_wk2wk(): geometry WKB/WKT conversion (2024-09-13)

  • remove is_ignored from feature class definition, potentially breaking change but assumed to be unused in feature class / field creation (2024-09-11)

  • add return_obj argument in ogr_ds_create() and ogr_layer_create(), TRUE to return a writable GDALVector object on the created layer (2024-09-11)

  • GDALVector: add method $setSelectedFields(), alternative to $setIgnoredFields() (2024-09-10)

  • GDALVector: add a SUMMARY option for the per-object setting $returnGeomAs (2024-09-09)

  • GDALVector: add $promoteToMulti as a per-object setting (2024-09-09)

  • GDALVector: add class methods for writing features in a layer: $createFeature(), $setFeature(), $upsertFeature() (2024-09-08)

  • add ogr_layer_rename(): rename an existing layer in a vector dataset (GDAL >= 3.5) (2024-09-04)

  • (internal) add header src/gdal_vsi.h and minor code cleanups in src/gdal_vsi.cpp (2024-09-02)

  • (internal) use consistent naming convention for C++ class member variables (2024-08-31)

  • (internal) pass by const reference in some srs and geom functions (2024-08-31)

  • (internal) class GDALVector: add get/set methods for the dataset and layer handles for internal use (2024-08-18)

  • (internal) try/catch if potentially large allocation of std::vector (2024-08-18)

  • add GDALRaster::getMaskBand(): return the mask filename and band number associated with a given band of the dataset (2024-08-15)

  • add GDALRaster::getMaskFlags(): return the status flags of the mask band associated with a given band of the dataset (2024-08-14)

  • add srs_get_name(): return the spatial reference system name (2024-08-12)

  • add srs_find_epsg(): try to identify a matching EPSG code for a given SRS definition (2024-08-11)

  • translate(): source raster can be a GDALRaster object (2024-08-11)

  • add autoCreateWarpedVRT(): create a warped virtual dataset representing the input raster warped into the target coordinate system, wrapper of GDALAutoCreateWarpedVRT() (2024-08-10)

  • GDALRaster::setDescription(): support band = 0 to set the dataset-level description (2024-08-10)

  • warp(): source and destination rasters may be objects of class GDALRaster (#469) (2024-08-10)

  • add GDALRaster::addBand(): add a band to a dataset if the underlying format supports this action, e.g., MEM and VRT (2024-08-09)

  • createCopy(): add argument return_obj, TRUE to return an object of class GDALRaster for the created dataset; an object of class GDALRaster can be given for argument src_filename to specify the source dataset (2024-08-07)

  • create(): add argument return_obj, TRUE to return an object of class GDALRaster for the created dataset (2024-08-07)

  • add GDALRaster::setMetadata(): set dataset or band-level metadata from a character vector of NAME=VALUE pairs (instead of per metadata item with the existing $setMetadataItem()) (2024-08-07)

  • add transactions support in class GDALVector ($startTransaction(), $commitTransaction(), $rollbackTransaction()) (2024-08-03)

  • add GDALVector::deleteFeature(): delete feature from layer (2024-08-03)

  • add featureTemplate as a read-only field in class GDALVector (2024-08-03)

  • add GDALVector::setNextByIndex(): move the read cursor to the ith feature in the current result set (2024-08-02)

  • add GDALVector::setIgnoredFields(): set which fields can be omitted when retrieving features from the layer (2024-08-01)

  • add GDALVector class methods: getAttributeFilter(), setSpatialFilter(), getSpatialFilter() (2024-07-30)

  • add ogr_proc(): GDAL OGR facilities for vector geoprocessing (2024-07-28)

  • ogr_execute_sql(): now returns an object of class GDALVector for SQL SELECT statements (2024-07-24)

  • add class GDALVector, initial implementation / WIP (2024-07-22)

  • add package wk to Suggests (2024-07-22)

  • add GDALRaster$clearColorTable(): clear the color table associated with a raster band (2024-07-10)

  • avoid data copy in GDALRaster::getDefaultRAT() for better performance in the case of large attribute tables (2024-06-24)

  • add vsi_get_actual_url(): return the actual URL of a supplied VSI filename, wrapper of VSIGetActualURL() in the GDAL API (2024-06-20)

  • add vsi_get_signed_url(): return a signed URL for a supplied VSI filename, wrapper of VSIGetSignedURL() in the GDAL API (2024-06-20)

  • Documentation: additions to the section on Azure (/vsiaz/) in GDAL Config Quick Reference; update Raster API Tutorial to use argument return_obj with create() and createCopy(); add the -srcband and -dstband command-line options in the documentation for warp(); add Development practices in; add the OpenSSF best practices badge in README; add fig.alt text to articles for web accessibility; add the OpenSSF Scorecard badge in README; add example in ogr2ogr() for dissolve features based on an attribute value; code that cleans up temp files in the examples is wrapped in \dontshow{}; minor updates for g_transform(); update descriptions for the C++ exposed classes and emphasize lack of named argument support; restructure and edit ogr_define

gdalraster 1.12.0

CRAN release: 2025-01-19

Features / enhancements

  • add inspectDataset(): obtain information about a GDAL raster or vector dataset (#552)
  • add identifyDriver(): identify the driver that can open a given filename, connection string, etc. (#553)
  • transform_xy() and inv_project(): accept the SRS arguments in any format supported by srs_to_wkt()
  • vsi_read_dir(): add the recursive argument (#426); omit “.” and “..” from the output directory listing; add the all_files argument, TRUE to include hidden files; sort the directory listing alphabetically

Bug fixes

  • fix the mode name for "color-relief" in DEFAULT_DEM_PROC (#430)
  • fix a unit test for class VSIFile: create file with “w+” access for read/write (#546)
  • ogr_def_geom_field(): fix input validation for the srs argument (#507)
  • createCopy(): check the driver for GDAL_DCAP_CREATE capability as well as GDAL_DCAP_CREATECOPY (#479)
  • plot_raster(): default to no stretch when the input is an RGB Byte raster (#435)


  • fix an example for class VSIFile that needs “w+” access instead of “w”
  • fix missing double quote in transform_xy() examples
  • document the fillRaster() method in class GDALRaster

gdalraster 1.11.1

CRAN release: 2024-06-13

  • fix test in test-ogr_manage.R: the test for GeoJSON layer did not need to check existence using with_update = TRUE on a file in extdata (#410)

  • add apply_geotransform(): convert raster column/row to geospatial x/y coordinates, wrapper of GDALApplyGeoTransform() in the GDAL API, operating on a matrix of input col/row coordinates (the internal wrapper .apply_geotransform() is unchanged)

  • add GDALRaster$apply_geotransform(): class method alternative to calling the stand-alone function apply_geotransform() on an object of class GDALRaster

  • vsi_curl_clear_cache(): add parameter quiet to wrap the API call in a quiet error handler, TRUE by default

  • Documentation: document the w+ access flag for class VSIFile; add CPL_VSIL_USE_TEMP_FILE_FOR_RANDOM_WRITE configuration option in vignette GDAL Config Quick Reference; replace paste0() with file.path() in the examples throughout

  • code linting

gdalraster 1.11.0

CRAN release: 2024-06-03

System requirements

  • GDAL >= 3.1.0 is now required (previously >= 2.4.0)
  • package bit64 has been added to Imports
  • package RcppInt64 has been added in LinkingTo

New bindings to the GDAL VSIVirtualHandle API

  • class VSIFile wraps VSIVirtualHandle for Standard C binary file I/O on regular file systems, URLs, cloud storage services, Zip/GZip/7z/RAR, and in-memory files

GDAL VSI for operations on virtual file systems (bug fix / enhancements)

  • bug fix in vsi_mkdir(): the file mode was set incorrectly because mode was not passed correctly as octal literal. mode is now passed as a character string containing the file mode as octal.
  • add vsi_get_file_metadata(): returns metadata for network filesystem objects (/vsicurl/, /vsis3/, /vsiaz/, etc.), and with GDAL >= 3.7, /vsizip/ SOZip metadata
  • add vsi_set_path_option(): set a path specific option for a given path prefix, e.g., credential setting for a virtual file system (GDAL >= 3.6)
  • add vsi_clear_path_options(): clear path specific configuration options previously set with vsi_set_path_option() (GDAL >= 3.6)
  • vsi_rmdir(): add argument recursive, TRUE to delete the directory and its content
  • vsi_mkdir(): add argument recursive, TRUE to create the directory and its ancestors
  • several VSI functions returned 0 or -1 invisibly indicating success/failure, consistent with GDAL return values. Those return values are now visible to be consistent with return values from VSIFile class methods.
  • vsi_stat() with info = "size", and vsi_get_disk_free_space() now return bit64::integer64 type


  • behavior change: the class methods $info() and $infoAsJSON() now use the default command-line arguments for the underlying gdalinfo utility. Arguments are configurable in the new read/write $infoOptions field, which is an empty vector by default (character(0)).
  • add support for I/O of Byte raster as R raw type, and add the setting $readByteAsRaw as a class field (#314, thanks to @mdsumner)
  • add read/write fields $infoOptions and $quiet for applying per-object settings
  • add an optional constructor to allow specifying whether the dataset is opened in shared mode, TRUE by default
  • add method $getActualBlockSize(): retrieve the actual block size for a given block offset
  • add method $get_pixel_line(): class method alternative to calling the stand-alone function get_pixel_line() on an object of class GDALRaster(#339)
  • add method $getProjection(): equivalent to $getProjectionRef() (consistent with osgeo.gdal.Dataset.getProjection() / osgeo.gdal.Dataset.getProjectionRef() in the GDAL Python API)
  • method $getDefaultRAT(): add progress bar since retrieving large raster attribute tables could take >30 sec

Stand-alone processing functions

  • calc(): add support for multiband output (#319)
  • calc(): add input validation for var.names, must be in expr
  • get_pixel_line(): an object of class GDALRaster can now be passed for the gt parameter, in which case the geotransform will be obtained from the object and bounds checking on the raster extent will be done (original behavior for gt as numeric vector is unchanged) (#339)
  • ogr2ogr(): add parameter open_options to support options on the source dataset
  • read_ds(): add parameter as_raw to read a Byte raster as R raw type (#314, thanks to @mdsumner)

GDAL configuration

  • add dump_open_datasets(): dump a list of all open datasets (shared or not) to the console
  • add get_num_cpus(): get the number of processors detected by GDAL
  • add get_usable_physical_ram(): get usable physical RAM reported by GDAL
  • add has_spatialite(): returns TRUE if GDAL was built with SpatiaLite support
  • add http_enabled(): returns TRUE if GDAL was built with libcurl support
  • add .cpl_http_cleanup(): wrapper of CPLHTTPCleanup() for internal use (2024-05-29)

Geometry functions


Other internal changes and fixes

  • fix memory leaks detected by Valgrind in GDALRaster class methods $info(), $infoAsJSON() and $getDefaultRAT()
  • register a finalizer to call CPLHTTPCleanup() upon R session exit
  • add GDALRaster class method $setFilename(): set the filename of an uninitialized GDALRaster object, currently undocumented / for internal use
  • add GDALRaster class method _getGDALDatasetH(): get the GDAL dataset handle for internal use
  • buildRAT(): if the input raster is an object of class GDALRaster, use it by reference rather than instantiating another GDALRaster object internally
  • calc(): close input raster dataset before exit when a differing extent is detected
  • add some missing null checks, and object destruction on error conditions, in src/geos_wkt.cpp
  • improve the check for "-json" as a cl_arg to ogrinfo()
  • code linting

gdalraster 1.10.0

CRAN release: 2024-03-26

System requirements

  • GDAL built against GEOS is now required

GDAL VSI for operations on virtual file systems

Other stand-alone functions

  • add ogrinfo(): wrapper of the ogrinfo command-line utility, retrieve information about a vector data source and potentially edit data with SQL statements (GDAL >= 3.7)
  • add ogr2ogr(): wrapper of the ogr2ogr command-line utility, convert vector data between different formats
  • add g_transform(): apply a coordinate transformation to a WKT geometry
  • add geos_version(): get version information for the GEOS library in use by GDAL
  • add push_error_handler(): wrapper for CPLPushErrorHandler() in the GDAL Common Portability Library
  • add pop_error_handler(): wrapper for CPLPopErrorHandler() in the GDAL Common Portability Library
  • calc(): the argument usePixelLonLat is deprecated as unnecessary, variables pixelLon / pixelLat are now auto-detected if used in the calc expression; small performance improvement from computing pixelY only when needed
  • add optional argument quiet in several functions to configure progress reporting (#237)
  • make the dataset management functions quieter (#282)
  • gdal_formats() now returns a data frame with the supported raster and vector formats, and information about the capabilities of each format driver


  • new(): assign default variable names in the constructor if names are not given


  • src/geos_wkt.cpp, src/transform.cpp, src/wkt_conv.cpp: deallocate some OGR geometry and OSR spatial ref objects to fix memory leaks
  • add more unit tests for geometry operations using GEOS via GDAL headers
  • GDALRaster::getMetadataDomainList(): deallocate the returned string list to avoid memory leak
  • GDALRaster::close(): clear cache if needed, and check the return values of GDALClose() and GDALFlushCache() if GDAL >= 3.7
  • add back proj-include and proj-lib, the latter needed in some cases for source install on macOS; rework for the system requirement of GDAL built against GEOS
  • remove internal has_geos() checks and update the documentation, since GDAL with GEOS is now required
  • add .editorconfig file and bulk reformat code style
  • fix up R code for lintr and add .lintr file
  • mass replace NULL -> nullptr in C++ code
  • format diagnostic messages throughout for consistency and follow guidelines given in “Writing R Extensions”
  • clean up temp files in the examples throughout

gdalraster 1.9.0

CRAN release: 2024-02-25

Behavior change

  • remove OSR_DEFAULT_AXIS_MAPPING_STRATEGY=TRADITIONAL_GIS_ORDER from _gdal_init() (#209), since this could give a different SRS comparison result depending on GDAL version in cases where axis mapping matters and the default options in OSRIsSameEx() are used

GDAL VSI for operations on virtual file systems


  • GDALRaster$new(): add a constructor for passing dataset open options

Stand-alone functions

  • add footprint(): wrapper of the gdal_footprint command-line utility, compute footprint of a raster (GDAL >= 3.8)
  • read_ds(): add as_list argument for option to return multi-band output in list form; attach attribute gis to the output, a list containing bbox, dimension and spatial reference (thanks to input from @mdsumner #185)
  • plot_raster(): accept pixel data in list form (band vectors as list elements), and make use of gis attribute if present (thanks to input from @mdsumner #185)
  • srs_is_same(): add arguments for criterion, ignore_axis_mapping and ignore_coord_epoch



  • add _check_gdal_filename(): minimal filename check and UTF-8
  • add _get_physical_RAM(): wrapper for CPLGetUsablePhysicalRAM() for internal use
  • set test coverage target minimum to 90%, codecov range: 70..90 (previously 80%, 60..80)

gdalraster 1.8.0

CRAN release: 2024-01-27


  • libxml2 is listed in SystemRequirements since it is required by the imported package xml2


  • read_only=TRUE is now an optional default in the class constructor
  • add clearStatistics(): clear statistics on PAM supported datasets (GDAL >= 3.2)

Stand-alone functions


  • example code for calc() using Landsat bands should have applied scale/offset as given in the .json metadata - this has been corrected
  • add AWS_REGION, and a section for SOZip to GDAL Config Quick Ref
  • update documentation and examples throughout for default read_only=TRUE in the constructor for GDALRaster
  • add translate() and warp() in Raster API Tutorial


  • remove parts of PROJ config that were unneeded since gdalraster only uses PROJ via GDAL headers; use autoconf macros for compiler invocations; get the PROJ data directory from pkg-config if possible; add action-if-cross-compiling argument (#190 and #197; thanks to Simon Urbanek for debugging an initial issue and providing helpful feedback)
  • get GDAL libs from pkg-config on Windows when possible (#125 thanks to @kalibera)
  • translate() and warp(): close the output dataset before closing source dataset(s) in case the output is VRT
  • switch to using the R convention for x.x.x.9000 development versioning

gdalraster 1.7.0

CRAN release: 2023-11-29

GDAL API stand-alone functions

  • add polygonize(): create a polygon feature layer from raster data, wrapper for GDALPolygonize in the GDAL Algorithms API.
  • add rasterize(): burn vector geometries (points, lines, or polygons) into a raster, wrapper for the gdal_rasterize command-line utility
  • add buildVRT(): build a GDAL virtual raster mosaic from a list of datasets, wrapper for the gdalbuildvrt command-line utility
  • add translate(): convert raster data between different formats, wrapper for the gdal_translate command-line utility
  • make t_srs optional in warp()
  • the GDAL configuration option TRADITIONAL_GIS_ORDER=OSR_DEFAULT_AXIS_MAPPING_STRATEGY is now set on package load



  • add src/ogr_util.cpp and src/ogr_util.h: OGR utility functions for vector data sources
  • src/gdal_exp.cpp: additional error handling in several wrapper functions, increased test coverage

gdalraster 1.6.0

CRAN release: 2023-10-27


  • GDAL >= 2.4.0 (previously >= 2.3.0)
  • package xml2 is now required (previously in Suggests)
  • package gt has been added to Suggests (required for displayRAT())


  • add methods for Raster Attribute Tables: getDefaultRAT(), setDefaultRAT()
  • add getDefaultHistogram(): fetch default raster histogram for a band
  • add getHistogram(): compute raster histogram for a band
  • add getMinMax(): compute min/max for a raster band
  • add getMetadataDomainList(): get a list of metadata domains for a dataset or raster band
  • fix getMetadataItem() for a specific domain at dataset level (#109)

GDAL API stand-alone functions

  • add buildRAT(): compute for a raster band the set of unique pixel values and their counts, and build a GDAL Raster Attribute Table as data frame
  • add displayRAT(): generate a presentation Raster Attribute Table, showing colors if the table contains RGB columns
  • add gdal_formats(): report the supported raster formats
  • add getCreationOptions(): get the list of creation options of a raster format
  • add copyDatasetFiles(): copy all the files associated with a dataset
  • add deleteDataset(): delete a dataset in a format-specific way
  • add renameDataset(): rename a dataset in a format-specific way
  • add some missing error checks in src/gdal_exp.cpp (#104)


  • argument incr for the count increment in CmbTable::update() can be zero


  • use uint64_t for the count accumulator (previously long long) and make explicit the return cast in get_count() (no user-visible changes)
  • slightly faster update

Other miscellaneous


gdalraster 1.5.0

CRAN release: 2023-09-25


  • add methods for color tables: getColorTable(), getPaletteInterp(), setColorTable()
  • add getRasterColorInterp(), setRasterColorInterp(): get/set color interpretation for raster bands
  • add getDescription(), setDescription(): get/set description for raster band objects
  • add flushCache(): flush all write cached data to disk
  • add getFileList(): returns a list of files forming the dataset
  • add infoAsJSON(): returns output of the gdalinfo command-line utility as a JSON-formatted string
  • new(): add a warning in the class constructor if the raster has an int64 data type (would be handled as double for now)

GDAL API stand-alone functions


  • add updateFromMatrixByRow(): update the hash table from a matrix having integer combinations arranged in rows
  • add asMatrix(): return the combinations table as a numeric matrix (alternative to asDataFrame())

Bug fix

  • warp() caused segfault if proj.db could not be found (#96)

Other miscellaneous

  • plot_raster(): default value of the legend argument has been changed to FALSE; legend can now use a color table for continuous data; add argument maxColorValue (e.g., to use RGB 0:255 instead of 0:1 in col_tbl)
  • bbox_from_wkt(), bbox_to_wkt(): add arguments extend_x, extend_y
  • on Windows, reset GDAL environment variables on package unload if they were previously set on load
  • add inst/extdata/storml_tcc.tif: example dataset of NLCD Tree Canopy Cover
  • update the package vignette for color tables and raster display

gdalraster 1.4.0

CRAN release: 2023-08-29

  • add dem_proc(): wrapper for the gdaldem command-line utility to generate DEM derivatives

  • add the following set methods in class GDALRaster: setMetadataItem(), setUnitType(), setScale(), setOffset()

  • add GDALRaster$buildOverviews(): build raster overviews

  • add GDALRaster$dim(): returns a vector of xsize, ysize, nbands

  • transform_xy() and inv_project(): pts can be a data frame or matrix

  • plot_raster() now accepts a GDALRaster object for the data argument

  • plot_raster(): make the legend narrower and add argument digits to format legend labels when raster data are floating point

  • add test suite and code coverage report

gdalraster 1.3.0

CRAN release: 2023-06-29

  • GDALRaster::read(): data are now read as R integer type when possible for the raster data type (#23)

  • add fillNodata(): wrapper for GDALFillNodata() in the GDAL Algorithms API

  • add read_ds(): convenience wrapper for GDALRaster$read()

  • add plot_raster(): display raster data using base R graphics

  • add get_cache_used(): wrapper for GDALGetCacheUsed64() with return value in MB

  • add GDALRaster$getOverviewCount(): return the number of overview layers available

  • GDALRaster$info(): drop -nomd argument from the internal call

  • bbox_from_wkt(): return NA if creation of the geometry object fails (#27)

  • fix GDALRaster$getMetadata(): requesting band-level metadata for a domain other than the default metadata domain was returning dataset-level metadata instead

  • add vignette containing an R port of the GDAL Raster API tutorial

  • add description of the GDAL_RASTERIO_RESAMPLING configuration option in the documentation for GDALRaster$read()

  • add web article on the GDAL block cache and configuration of GDAL_CACHEMAX

gdalraster 1.2.0

CRAN release: 2023-05-28

  • starting at v. 1.2.0, gdalraster will require R >= 4.2.0

  • fix: check for GEOS availability in bbox geometry functions

  • fix: wrong array dimensions in read() (#5). Starting at v. 1.2.0, read() will return vector instead of matrix which better matches the concept of a native GDAL-like interface (thanks to Michael Sumner).

  • add: has_geos() exported to R

  • add: srs_is_same() - wrapper for OSRIsSame() in the GDAL Spatial Reference System C API

  • documentation - minor edits throughout to improve clarity

gdalraster 1.1.1

CRAN release: 2023-05-24

  • Initial public release.