This topic contains documentation and helper functions for defining an
OGR feature class.
A named list containing zero or more attribute field definitions, along with
one or more geometry field definitions, comprise an OGR feature class
definition (a.k.a. layer definition). ogr_def_layer()
initializes such a
list with a geometry type and (optionally) a spatial reference system.
Attribute fields may then be added to the layer definition.
creates an attribute field definition, a list
containing the field's data type and potentially other optional field
similarly creates a geometry field definition. This
might be used with certain vector formats that support multiple geometry
columns (e.g., PostGIS).
ogr_def_layer(geom_type, geom_fld_name = "geometry", srs = NULL)
fld_subtype = NULL,
fld_width = NULL,
fld_precision = NULL,
is_nullable = NULL,
is_unique = NULL,
default_value = NULL
ogr_def_geom_field(geom_type, srs = NULL, is_nullable = NULL)
- geom_type
Character string specifying a geometry type (see Details).
- geom_fld_name
Character string specifying a geometry field name Defaults to
.- srs
Character string containing a spatial reference system definition as OGC WKT or other well-known format (e.g., the input formats usable with
).- fld_type
Character string containing the name of a field data type (e.g.,
).- fld_subtype
Character string containing the name of a field subtype. One of
(the default),OFSTBoolean
.- fld_width
Optional integer value specifying max number of characters.
- fld_precision
Optional integer value specifying number of digits after the decimal point.
- is_nullable
Optional NOT NULL field constraint (logical value). Defaults to
.- is_unique
Optional UNIQUE constraint on the field (logical value). Defaults to
.- default_value
Optional default value for the field as a character string.
All features in an OGR Layer share a common schema (feature class), modeled
in GDAL by its OGRFeatureDefn
class. A feature class definition includes
the set of attribute fields and their data types and the geometry field(s).
In R, a feature class definition is represented as a named list, with names
being the attribute/geometry field names, and each list element holding an
attribute or geometry field definition.
The definition for an attribute field is a named list with elements:
$type : OGR Field Type ("OFTReal", "OFTString" etc.)
$subtype : optional ("OFSTBoolean", ...)
$width : optional max number of characters
$precision : optional number of digits after the decimal point
$is_nullable: optional NOT NULL constraint (logical value)
$is_unique : optional UNIQUE constraint (logical value)
$default : optional default value as character string
$is_geom : FALSE (the default) for attribute fields
An OGR field type is specified as a character string with possible values:
, OFTIntegerList
, OFTReal
, OFTRealList
, OFTString
, OFTBinary
, OFTDate
, OFTTime
, OFTDateTime
, OFTInteger64List
An optional field subtype is specified as a character string with possible
, OFSTBoolean
, OFSTInt16
, OFSTFloat32
By default, fields are nullable, have no unique constraint, and are not ignored (i.e., not omitted when fetching features). Not-null and unique constraints are not supported by all format drivers.
A default field value is taken into account by format drivers (generally
those with a SQL interface) that support it at field creation time.
If given in the field definition, $default
must be a character string.
The accepted values are "NULL"
, a numeric value (e.g., "0"
), a literal
value enclosed between single quote characters (e.g., "'a default value'"
with any inner single quote characters escaped by repetition of the single
quote character), "CURRENT_TIMESTAMP"
or a driver-specific expression (that might be ignored by other drivers).
For a datetime literal value, format should be
"'YYYY/MM/DD HH:MM:SS[.sss]'"
(considered as UTC time).
The definition for a geometry field is a named list with elements:
$type : geom type ("Point", "Polygon", etc.)
$srs : optional spatial reference as WKT string
$is_nullable: optional NOT NULL constraint (logical value)
$is_geom : TRUE (required) for geometry fields
Typically, there is one geometry field on a layer, but some formats support more than one geometry column per table (e.g., "PostgreSQL / PostGIS" and "SQLite / Spatialite RDBMS").
Geometry types are specified as a character string containing OGC WKT.
Common types include: Point
, LineString
, Polygon
, MultiPoint
, MultiPolygon
. See the GDAL documentation for a list
of all supported geometry types:
Format drivers may or may not support not-null constraints on attribute and
geometry fields. If they support creating fields with not-null constraints,
this is generally before creating any features to the layer. In some cases,
a not-null constraint may be available as a layer creation option. For
example, GeoPackage format has a layer creation option
The feature id (FID) is a special property of a feature and not treated as an attribute of the feature. Additional information is given in the GDAL documentation for the OGR SQL and SQLite SQL dialects. Implications for SQL statements and result sets may depend on the dialect used.
Some vector formats do not support schema definition prior to creating features. For example, with GeoJSON only the Feature object has a member with name properties. The specification does not require all Feature objects in a collection to have the same schema of properties, nor does it require all Feature objects in a collection to have geometry of the same type (
See also
, ogr_layer_create()
, ogr_field_create()
, ogrinfo()
WKT representation of geometry:
# create a SQLite data source, with SpatiaLite extensions if available
dsn <- file.path(tempdir(), "test.sqlite")
opt <- NULL
if (has_spatialite()) {
# This creates an empty data source. Note that we could also create a layer
# at the same time in this function call, but for this example we do that
# separately, to show creation of a layer on an existing data source.
ogr_ds_create("SQLite", dsn, dsco = opt)
#> [1] TRUE
# define a layer
defn <- ogr_def_layer("Point", srs = "EPSG:4326")
defn$my_id <- ogr_def_field("OFTInteger64")
defn$my_description <- ogr_def_field("OFTString")
# create a layer in the existing data source
ogr_ds_test_cap(dsn)$CreateLayer # TRUE
#> [1] TRUE
ogr_layer_create(dsn, "layer1", layer_defn = defn)
#> [1] TRUE
#> [1] "layer1"
ogr_layer_field_names(dsn, "layer1")
#> [1] "my_id" "my_description" "GEOMETRY"
#> [1] TRUE