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[DRAFT 2023-10-01]


GDAL implements read/write memory caching for raster I/O. Caching operates on raster blocks and offers potential for substantial performance improvement when accessing pixel data across block boundaries. In an analytical context where processing may be row-oriented, this means that I/O can be efficient even when rows intersect many tiles of a raster arranged in square blocks (as opposed to blocks arranged as one whole row). Consideration of the caching mechanism is helpful for scaling I/O to large datasets that need to be processed in many chunks. This article will describe the operation of the caching mechanism, and relative performance when accessing data by row or by tile in relation to different raster block arrangements. Implications for configuring cache memory size with the GDAL_CACHEMAX setting will be described. Focus here is on reading pixel data, but similar concepts apply to writing as well.

Relative performance

A dataset containing 16-bit integer elevation at 30-m pixel resolution for the conterminous US was obtained from LANDFIRE. The version is “LF 2020 [LF 2.2.0]” which is available as an 8.4 GB download. The download includes raster overviews (as .ovr), but the elevation raster itself is a 6.8 GB GeoTIFF file using LZW compression on 128 x 128 tiles. The direct download link for LF 2020 elevation is:

Tests were run on a laptop with Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-8250U CPU @ 1.60GHz, 8 GB RAM and SSD, Ubuntu 22.04.2, R 4.3.0, gdalraster 1.2.1 (dev), GDAL 3.6.2.

Open the elevation dataset and get parameters:


f = "LC20_Elev_220.tif" 

ds = new(GDALRaster, f, read_only = TRUE)
ncols = ds$getRasterXSize()
nrows = ds$getRasterYSize()
print(paste("Size is", ncols, "x",  nrows))  # 1.587394e+10 pixels
#> [1] "Size is 156335 x 101538"

ds$getMetadata(band=0, domain="IMAGE_STRUCTURE")

#> [1] 128 128

#> [1] "Int16"

The first test reads all pixels in the raster by row. For a tile size of 128 x 128 pixels, each row intersects 1222 raster blocks (156335 / 128 = 1221.4, the last block is incomplete). This test reflects performance implications of GDAL read-ahead caching:

process_row = function(row) {
  r = ds$read(band=1, xoff=0, yoff=row, 
              xsize=ncols, ysize=1, 
              out_xsize=ncols, out_ysize=1)
  ## process pixels, possibly write output...

## Test 1
## original tiled raster, reading by row (across block boundaries)

system.time( lapply(0:(nrows-1), process_row) )
#>    user  system elapsed 
#> 228.269  11.319 242.195


For comparison, we will read the same data from a raster arranged with blocks as whole rows (efficient for row-level access). gdalraster::createCopy() copies a raster dataset with optional changes to the format. The extent, number of bands, data type, projection, and geotransform are all copied from the source raster:

f2 = "LC20_Elev_220_striped.tif"
gdalraster::createCopy(format="GTiff", dst_filename=f2, src_filename=f,
#> 0...10...20...30...40...50...60...70...80...90...100 - done.

ds2 = new(GDALRaster, f2, read_only = TRUE)
#> [1] 156335      1


This creates a “striped” tif with raster blocks arranged for row-level access (TILED=NO is the default creation option for the GTiff format driver). The resulting file is larger at 10.6 GB vs. 6.8 GB, since compression is not efficient for strips vs. tiles. Substituting the new file (f2) in the test above gives the following time to read all pixels by row:

## Test 2
## striped tif, reading on block boundaries (rows)
## cache retrieval not involved

system.time( lapply(0:(nrows-1), process_row) )
#>    user  system elapsed
#> 230.650   5.112 236.370

A final test reads by block on the original tiled raster as distributed by LANDFIRE. To read by square blocks we need to calculate the row/column offsets and x/y sizes for each tile, including the incomplete tiles along the right and bottom edges. Package stars provides a helper function that we will use for this. stars represents raster data using R’s 1-based indexing and column-major array order (raster rows as array columns in R). Accounting for those differences from native GDAL indexing, we get a matrix of block boundaries using:


r = read_stars(f, proxy = TRUE)
nrows = nrow(r)
ncols = ncol(r)
blocks = st_tile(nrows, ncols, 128, 128)
blocks[, 1:2] = blocks[, 1:2] - 1L

#> [1] 970268

In terms of expected efficiency, reading the tiled raster by block is similar to reading the striped raster by row (reading on block boundaries, no retrieval from cache). The difference is that the striped tif contains fewer but larger blocks (101538 blocks, 156335 pixels per block), while the tiled tif contains order of magnitude more blocks that are each smaller (970268 blocks, 16384 pixels per block). This test reads all pixels by tile from the original LANDFIRE elevation file (f):

## Test 3
## original tiled raster, reading on block boundaries (tiles)
## cache retrieval not involved

  for (i in seq_len(nrow(blocks))) {
    ds$read(1, blocks[i, 1], blocks[i, 2], blocks[i, 3], blocks[i, 4],
        blocks[i, 3], blocks[i, 4])
#>    user  system elapsed 
#> 237.920   7.165 251.200

Description of cache operation

GDAL block caching enables reading a large tiled raster efficiently by row (1.6e+10 total pixels in the test dataset). The default size limit of the memory cache is 5% of usable physical RAM. Each row of the LANDFIRE tiled raster intersects 1222 blocks of size 128 x 128. Each intersected block is read from file, decoded from LZW compression, and placed in cache memory. The data for each successive read() that intersects the same block are retrieved from cache. Caching all of the intersected blocks requires 128 x 128 x 2 bytes = 32768 bytes per block, 32768 x 1222 = 40042496 bytes, approximately 40 MB. All of the decoded block data for a row can be held in cache in this case, meaning that only 1 out of every 128 row-level read() involves retrieval from file and decoding of compressed blocks. The other 127/128 are provided from cache. Memory is recovered when a request for a new cache block would put cache memory use over the established limit (least recently used blocks are flushed from cache to accommodate adding new blocks).

The code below uses the function gdalraster::get_cache_used() to demonstrate the behavior:

## run in a new R session

f = "LC20_Elev_220.tif"
ds = new(GDALRaster, f, read_only = TRUE)
ncols = ds$getRasterXSize()
nrows = ds$getRasterYSize()

## Default cache size is approximately 400 MB in this case (5% of 8 GB RAM)
## Read enough data to reach cache max
rows_read = 0
cache_use = get_cache_used()
for (row in 0:1536) {
  rowdata = ds$read(1, 0, row, ncols, 1, ncols, 1)
  rows_read = c(rows_read, row+1)
  cache_use = c(cache_use, get_cache_used())

#> [1] 401
#> [1] 0

plot(rows_read, cache_use, type="S", 
     xlab="rows read", ylab="cache in use (MB)", 
     col="blue", lwd=2, xaxt="n")
axis(1, at = seq(0, 1536, by = 128), las=2)

While the examples above focus on reading a tiled raster by row, similar considerations would apply to processing large row-oriented rasters in 2-D chunks.

Configuring cache size

The cache size limit can be set with the GDAL_CACHEMAX configuration option, e.g.,

## set to a specific size in MB
gdalraster::set_config_option("GDAL_CACHEMAX", "1000")

## or percent of physical RAM
gdalraster::set_config_option("GDAL_CACHEMAX", "20%")

Note that the size limit of the block cache is set upon first use (first I/O). Setting GDAL_CACHEMAX after that point will not resize the cache. It is a per-session setting. If GDAL_CACHEMAX has not been configured upon first use of the cache, then the default cache size will be in effect for the current session.

I/O that involves block caching with large datasets may require setting GDAL_CACHEMAX larger than the default. If the LANDFIRE elevation raster were tiled at 256 x 256, then each block would require 65536 x 2 = 131072 bytes for 16-bit data. The cache size needed to hold all intersected blocks for a row would be approximately 160 MB (and likewise, 640 MB for 512 x 512 tiles). Similarly, the cache size could be configured for the case of multiple large rasters that need to be read (or written) simultaneously for processing.

The cache is flushed upon dataset closing to recover memory. The behavior described above assumes that the GDAL dataset is opened once, and required I/O completed before closing the dataset. This would normally be the case when using the GDAL API via gdalraster (GDALRaster-class encapsulates a GDALDataset object and its associated GDALRasterBand objects in the underlying API).

It is also worth noting that without the block caching mechanism, it is not possible to read the tiled elevation raster by row in reasonable time. This can be checked by repeating Test 1 above with the cache disabled:

## Test 4
## original tiled raster, reading by row (across block boundaries)
## cache disabled for testing
## run in a new R session


## for testing only
set_config_option("GDAL_CACHEMAX", "0")

f = "LC20_Elev_220.tif" 

ds = new(GDALRaster, f, read_only = TRUE)
ncols = ds$getRasterXSize()
nrows = ds$getRasterYSize()

process_row = function(row) {
  r = ds$read(band=1, xoff=0, yoff=row, 
              xsize=ncols, ysize=1, 
              out_xsize=ncols, out_ysize=1)

system.time( lapply(0:(nrows-1), process_row) )
#> ^C
#> Timing stopped at: 3650 42.97 3694  # killed with ctrl-c
