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Chris Toney (chris.toney at

Last modified: 2024-07-23



This document describes R bindings to the GDAL/OGR Vector API proposed for inclusion in package gdalraster, analogous to its existing raster support. A package providing low-level access to both the raster and vector APIs in GDAL should be of interest to developers creating higher level interfaces. For example, custom workflows that are I/O intensive may benefit from direct access to GDAL’s I/O capabilities. R bindings to the vector API would support persistent connections to the data store, cursors with attribute and spatial filtering, transactions, feature-level insert/delete, update of attributes and geometries, and OGR facilities for geoprocessing. Calling signatures of a class-based interface will resemble the C++ and Python APIs provided by the GDAL project. It is intended that bindings in gdalraster should provide long-term API stability while tracking changes in GDAL.

A proposed interface is described in terms of the GDAL Vector Data Model, along with a draft class definition for implementation via RCPP_EXPOSED_CLASS.

An initial implemetation supporting read access has been merged into the gdalraster main branch (as of v., 2024-07-23), with online documentation available at:

Description of the interface

Bindings will be implemented with Rcpp modules including RCPP_EXPOSED_CLASS. Exposing C++ classes directly in R provides a natural interface to the underlying object model.

Vector dataset

A GDAL Dataset for vector is a file or database containing one or more OGR layers. A vector dataset is represented in R as a data source name (DSN), a character string that may be a filename, database connection string, URL, virtual file, etc. Management of datasets and their vector schemas will be done with:

Vector layer

The OGR Layer class represents a layer of features within a data source. It will be modeled in R as class GDALVector, an exposed C++ class encapsulating an OGR Layer and the GDAL Dataset that owns it. A GDALVector object will persist an open connection to the dataset, and expose methods for retrieving layer information, setting attribute and spatial filters, reading/writing features, and layer geoprocessing. A draft definition for class GDALVector is given below.

Feature class / field definitions

All features in an OGR Layer share a common schema (feature class) modeled in GDAL as OGR Feature Definition. A feature class definition includes the set of attribute fields and their data types, the geometry field(s), and a feature class name (normally used as a layer name). The feature class definition is represented as a list in R, having as names the attribute/geometry field names, with each list element holding a field definition.

An attribute field definition is a list with named elements:

$type       : OGR Field Type ("OFTString", "OFTInteger", ...)
$subtype    : optional ("OFSTBoolean", ...)
$width      : optional max number of characters
$precision  : optional number of digits after the decimal point
$is_nullable: optional NOT NULL constraint (logical scalar)
$is_unique  : optional UNIQUE constraint (logical scalar)
$default    : optional field default value as character string
$is_ignored : whether ignored when retrieving features (logical scalar)
$domain     : optional domain name
$is_geom    : FALSE for attribute fields

A geometry field definition is a list with named elements:

$type       : geom type ("Point", "Polygon", etc.)
$srs        : optional spatial reference as WKT string
$is_nullable: optional NOT NULL constraint (logical scalar)
$is_ignored : whether ignored when retrieving features (logical scalar)
$is_geom    : TRUE for geometry fields

Feature retrieval

An OGR Feature – as read by GDALVector::getNextFeature() or GDALVector::getFeature(), or as passed to write methods – is a list with the unique feature identifier (FID), the attribute and geometry field names, and their values.

GDALVector::fetch() fetches the next n features from the layer and returns them as a data frame (analog of DBI::dbFetch()). This allows retrieving the entire feature set (potentially with an attribute and/or spatial filter applied), one page of features at a time, or the remaining features. fetch() can be called multiple times (forward paging). Fetching zero features is also possible to retrieve the structure of the result set as a data frame.

OGR field types are returned as the corresponding native R types (NA for OGR NULL values):

  • OFTInteger: integer (subtype OFSTBoolean as logical)
  • OFTIntegerList: vector of integer (list column in data frames)
  • OFTInteger64: bit64::integer64 (subtype OFSTBoolean as logical)
  • OFTInteger64List: vector of bit64::integer64 (list column in data frames)
  • OFTReal: numeric
  • OFTRealList: vector of numeric (list column in data frames)
  • OFTString: character string
  • OFTStringList: vector of character strings (list column in data frames)
  • OFTDate: Date
  • OFTDateTime: POSIXct (millisecond accuracy, adjustment for time zone flag if present)
  • OFTBinary: raw vector (list column in data frames)


An OGR Geometry can be represented in R as either a character string containing OGC Well Known Text (WKT), or a raw vector of bytes containing Well Known Binary (WKB). An OGR Spatial Reference, which encapsulates the definition of a projection and datum, is represented in R as WKT. gdalraster has existing functions for working with spatial reference systems as WKT (srs_to_wkt(), srs_is_projected(), etc.), and a set of geometry convenience functions also operating on WKT (GEOS via GDAL headers).

Package wk supports parsing WKB and WKT representation of geometries to and from R-native formats. Interoperability with sf classes for simple features is also straightforward (e.g., sf::st_sf()).

Returning geometries is optional when retrieving features from a data store with gdalraster. Omitting the geometries can improve performance and memory utilization when access only to the attributes is needed (currently the default). When geometries are included, they can be retrieved as either WKB or WKT (optionally as the ISO versions). WKB is compact and fast to parse, e.g., using the high performance functions provided by wk. The setting for geometry retrieval is per-object for class GDALvector, and can be set back and forth as needed during the lifetime of the object.

class GDALVector

The draft class definition below has been partially implemented in:

The header file can be referenced for the public class methods that have been implemented so far in the prototype (a subset of the draft class definition below):

class GDALVector {
    std::string m_dsn;
    std::string m_layer_name;  // layer name or sql statement
    bool m_is_sql;
    Rcpp::CharacterVector m_open_options;
    std::string m_spatial_filter;
    std::string m_dialect;
    GDALDatasetH m_hDataset;
    GDALAccess m_eAccess;
    OGRLayerH m_hLayer;
    std::string m_attr_filter = "";

    explicit GDALVector(Rcpp::CharacterVector dsn);
    GDALVector(Rcpp::CharacterVector dsn, std::string layer);
    GDALVector(Rcpp::CharacterVector dsn, std::string layer, bool read_only);
    GDALVector(Rcpp::CharacterVector dsn, std::string layer, bool read_only,
               Rcpp::CharacterVector open_options);
    GDALVector(Rcpp::CharacterVector dsn, std::string layer, bool read_only,
               Rcpp::Nullable<Rcpp::CharacterVector> open_options,
               std::string spatial_filter, std::string dialect);

    // read/write fields exported to R
    std::string defaultGeomFldName = "geometry";
    std::string returnGeomAs = "NONE";
    std::string wkbByteOrder = "LSB";

    // public methods exported to R
    void open(bool read_only);
    bool isOpen() const;
    std::string getDsn() const;
    Rcpp::CharacterVector getFileList() const;
    std::string getDriverShortName() const;
    std::string getDriverLongName() const;

    std::string getName() const;
    Rcpp::List testCapability() const;
    std::string getFIDColumn() const;
    std::string getGeomType() const;
    std::string getGeometryColumn() const;
    std::string getSpatialRef() const;
    Rcpp::NumericVector bbox();
    Rcpp::List getLayerDefn() const;

    void setAttributeFilter(std::string query);
    void setSpatialFilterRect(Rcpp::NumericVector bbox);
    void setSpatialFilter(std::string wkt);
    std::string getSpatialFilter() const;
    void clearSpatialFilter();

    double getFeatureCount();
    SEXP getNextFeature();
    // fid must be a length-1 numeric vector, since numeric vector can carry
    // the class attribute for integer64:
    SEXP getFeature(Rcpp::NumericVector fid);
    void resetReading();
    void setNextByIndex(int64_t fid);
    void setIgnoredFields(Rcpp::CharacterVector fields);

    Rcpp::DataFrame fetch(double n);

    // initialize an empty feature as list:
    Rcpp::List initFeature();
    // the following return the FID of the affected feature if successful
    // create and write a new feature within a layer:
    int64_t createFeature(Rcpp::List feat);
    // rewrite/replace an existing feature:
    int64_t setFeature(Rcpp::List feat);
    // rewrite/replace an existing feature or create a new feature:
    int64_t upsertFeature(Rcpp::List feat);
    // delete feature from layer:
    int64_t deleteFeature(int64_t fid);

    bool startTransaction(bool force);
    bool commitTransaction();
    bool rollbackTransaction();

    void layerIntersection(
            GDALVector method_layer,
            GDALVector result_layer,
            bool quiet,
            Rcpp::Nullable<Rcpp::CharacterVector> options);
    void layerUnion(
            GDALVector method_layer,
            GDALVector result_layer,
            bool quiet,
            Rcpp::Nullable<Rcpp::CharacterVector> options);
    void layerSymDifference(
            GDALVector method_layer,
            GDALVector result_layer,
            bool quiet,
            Rcpp::Nullable<Rcpp::CharacterVector> options);
    void layerIdentity(
            GDALVector method_layer,
            GDALVector result_layer,
            bool quiet,
            Rcpp::Nullable<Rcpp::CharacterVector> options);
    void layerUpdate(
            GDALVector method_layer,
            GDALVector result_layer,
            bool quiet,
            Rcpp::Nullable<Rcpp::CharacterVector> options);
    void layerClip(
            GDALVector method_layer,
            GDALVector result_layer,
            bool quiet,
            Rcpp::Nullable<Rcpp::CharacterVector> options);
    void layerErase(
            GDALVector method_layer,
            GDALVector result_layer,
            bool quiet,
            Rcpp::Nullable<Rcpp::CharacterVector> options);

    void close();

    // methods for internal use not exported to R
    void _checkAccess(GDALAccess access_needed) const;
    OGRLayerH _getOGRLayerH();


Example: usage for class GDALVector

## usage for GDALVector class

#> GDAL 3.8.4, released 2024/02/08, GEOS 3.12.1, PROJ 9.3.1

# MTBS fires in Yellowstone National Park 1984-2022
f <- system.file("extdata/ynp_fires_1984_2022.gpkg", package="gdalraster")
# copy to a temporary in-memory file that is writeable
dsn <- paste0("/vsimem/", basename(f))
vsi_copy_file(f, dsn)
#> [1] 0

lyr <- new(GDALVector, dsn, "mtbs_perims")

# object of class GDALVector
#> C++ object <0x58bb870345b0> of class 'GDALVector' <0x58bb8825b400>
#> Reference class 'Rcpp_GDALVector' [package "gdalraster"] with 3 fields
#>  $ defaultGeomFldName: chr "geometry"
#>  $ returnGeomAs      : chr "NONE"
#>  $ wkbByteOrder      : chr "LSB"
#>  and 46 methods, of which 32 are  possibly relevant:
#>    bbox, clearSpatialFilter, close, fetch, finalize, getDriverLongName,
#>    getDriverShortName, getDsn, getFeature, getFeatureCount, getFIDColumn,
#>    getFileList, getGeometryColumn, getGeomType, getLayerDefn, getName,
#>    getNextFeature, getSpatialRef, initialize, isOpen, layerClip, layerErase,
#>    layerIdentity, layerIntersection, layerSymDifference, layerUnion,
#>    layerUpdate, open, resetReading, setAttributeFilter, setSpatialFilterRect,
#>    testCapability

# dataset info
#> [1] "GPKG"
#> [1] "GeoPackage"
#> [1] "/vsimem/ynp_fires_1984_2022.gpkg"

# layer info
#> [1] "mtbs_perims"
#> [1] "geom"
#> [1] "fid"
#> [1] "PROJCS[\"NAD83 / Montana\",GEOGCS[\"NAD83\",DATUM[\"North_American_Datum_1983\",SPHEROID[\"GRS 1980\",6378137,298.257222101,AUTHORITY[\"EPSG\",\"7019\"]],AUTHORITY[\"EPSG\",\"6269\"]],PRIMEM[\"Greenwich\",0,AUTHORITY[\"EPSG\",\"8901\"]],UNIT[\"degree\",0.0174532925199433,AUTHORITY[\"EPSG\",\"9122\"]],AUTHORITY[\"EPSG\",\"4269\"]],PROJECTION[\"Lambert_Conformal_Conic_2SP\"],PARAMETER[\"latitude_of_origin\",44.25],PARAMETER[\"central_meridian\",-109.5],PARAMETER[\"standard_parallel_1\",49],PARAMETER[\"standard_parallel_2\",45],PARAMETER[\"false_easting\",600000],PARAMETER[\"false_northing\",0],UNIT[\"metre\",1,AUTHORITY[\"EPSG\",\"9001\"]],AXIS[\"Easting\",EAST],AXIS[\"Northing\",NORTH],AUTHORITY[\"EPSG\",\"32100\"]]"
#> [1] 469685.73 -12917.76 573531.72  96577.34

# layer capabilities
#> $RandomRead
#> [1] TRUE
#> $SequentialWrite
#> [1] FALSE
#> $RandomWrite
#> [1] FALSE
#> $UpsertFeature
#> [1] FALSE
#> $FastSpatialFilter
#> [1] TRUE
#> $FastFeatureCount
#> [1] TRUE
#> $FastGetExtent
#> [1] TRUE
#> $FastSetNextByIndex
#> [1] TRUE
#> $CreateField
#> [1] FALSE
#> $CreateGeomField
#> [1] FALSE
#> $DeleteField
#> [1] FALSE
#> $ReorderFields
#> [1] FALSE
#> $AlterFieldDefn
#> [1] FALSE
#> $AlterGeomFieldDefn
#> [1] FALSE
#> $DeleteFeature
#> [1] FALSE
#> $StringsAsUTF8
#> [1] TRUE
#> $Transactions
#> [1] TRUE
#> $CurveGeometries
#> [1] TRUE

# re-open with write access
lyr$open(read_only = FALSE)
#> [1] TRUE
#> [1] TRUE

# feature class definition - a list of fields and their definitions
defn <- lyr$getLayerDefn()
#>  [1] "event_id"     "incid_name"   "incid_type"   "map_id"       "burn_bnd_ac" 
#>  [6] "burn_bnd_lat" "burn_bnd_lon" "ig_date"      "ig_year"      "geom"

# each list element holds a field definition list
#> List of 10
#>  $ event_id    :List of 9
#>   ..$ type       : chr "OFTString"
#>   ..$ subtype    : chr "OFSTNone"
#>   ..$ width      : int 254
#>   ..$ precision  : int 0
#>   ..$ is_nullable: logi TRUE
#>   ..$ is_unique  : logi FALSE
#>   ..$ default    : chr ""
#>   ..$ is_ignored : logi FALSE
#>   ..$ is_geom    : logi FALSE
#>  $ incid_name  :List of 9
#>   ..$ type       : chr "OFTString"
#>   ..$ subtype    : chr "OFSTNone"
#>   ..$ width      : int 254
#>   ..$ precision  : int 0
#>   ..$ is_nullable: logi TRUE
#>   ..$ is_unique  : logi FALSE
#>   ..$ default    : chr ""
#>   ..$ is_ignored : logi FALSE
#>   ..$ is_geom    : logi FALSE
#>  $ incid_type  :List of 9
#>   ..$ type       : chr "OFTString"
#>   ..$ subtype    : chr "OFSTNone"
#>   ..$ width      : int 254
#>   ..$ precision  : int 0
#>   ..$ is_nullable: logi TRUE
#>   ..$ is_unique  : logi FALSE
#>   ..$ default    : chr ""
#>   ..$ is_ignored : logi FALSE
#>   ..$ is_geom    : logi FALSE
#>  $ map_id      :List of 9
#>   ..$ type       : chr "OFTInteger64"
#>   ..$ subtype    : chr "OFSTNone"
#>   ..$ width      : int 0
#>   ..$ precision  : int 0
#>   ..$ is_nullable: logi TRUE
#>   ..$ is_unique  : logi FALSE
#>   ..$ default    : chr ""
#>   ..$ is_ignored : logi FALSE
#>   ..$ is_geom    : logi FALSE
#>  $ burn_bnd_ac :List of 9
#>   ..$ type       : chr "OFTInteger64"
#>   ..$ subtype    : chr "OFSTNone"
#>   ..$ width      : int 0
#>   ..$ precision  : int 0
#>   ..$ is_nullable: logi TRUE
#>   ..$ is_unique  : logi FALSE
#>   ..$ default    : chr ""
#>   ..$ is_ignored : logi FALSE
#>   ..$ is_geom    : logi FALSE
#>  $ burn_bnd_lat:List of 9
#>   ..$ type       : chr "OFTString"
#>   ..$ subtype    : chr "OFSTNone"
#>   ..$ width      : int 10
#>   ..$ precision  : int 0
#>   ..$ is_nullable: logi TRUE
#>   ..$ is_unique  : logi FALSE
#>   ..$ default    : chr ""
#>   ..$ is_ignored : logi FALSE
#>   ..$ is_geom    : logi FALSE
#>  $ burn_bnd_lon:List of 9
#>   ..$ type       : chr "OFTString"
#>   ..$ subtype    : chr "OFSTNone"
#>   ..$ width      : int 10
#>   ..$ precision  : int 0
#>   ..$ is_nullable: logi TRUE
#>   ..$ is_unique  : logi FALSE
#>   ..$ default    : chr ""
#>   ..$ is_ignored : logi FALSE
#>   ..$ is_geom    : logi FALSE
#>  $ ig_date     :List of 9
#>   ..$ type       : chr "OFTDate"
#>   ..$ subtype    : chr "OFSTNone"
#>   ..$ width      : int 0
#>   ..$ precision  : int 0
#>   ..$ is_nullable: logi TRUE
#>   ..$ is_unique  : logi FALSE
#>   ..$ default    : chr ""
#>   ..$ is_ignored : logi FALSE
#>   ..$ is_geom    : logi FALSE
#>  $ ig_year     :List of 9
#>   ..$ type       : chr "OFTInteger"
#>   ..$ subtype    : chr "OFSTNone"
#>   ..$ width      : int 0
#>   ..$ precision  : int 0
#>   ..$ is_nullable: logi TRUE
#>   ..$ is_unique  : logi FALSE
#>   ..$ default    : chr ""
#>   ..$ is_ignored : logi FALSE
#>   ..$ is_geom    : logi FALSE
#>  $ geom        :List of 5
#>   ..$ type       : chr "MULTIPOLYGON"
#>   ..$ srs        : chr "PROJCS[\"NAD83 / Montana\",GEOGCS[\"NAD83\",DATUM[\"North_American_Datum_1983\",SPHEROID[\"GRS 1980\",6378137,2"| __truncated__
#>   ..$ is_nullable: logi TRUE
#>   ..$ is_ignored : logi FALSE
#>   ..$ is_geom    : logi TRUE

#> [1] 61

# cursor
feat <- lyr$getNextFeature()
# a list of field names and their values
#> List of 10
#>  $ FID         :integer64 1 
#>  $ event_id    : chr "WY4413411069519870807"
#>  $ incid_name  : chr "POLECAT"
#>  $ incid_type  : chr "Wildfire"
#>  $ map_id      :integer64 10015934 
#>  $ burn_bnd_ac :integer64 1093 
#>  $ burn_bnd_lat: chr "44.132"
#>  $ burn_bnd_lon: chr "-110.696"
#>  $ ig_date     : Date[1:1], format: "1987-08-07"
#>  $ ig_year     : int 1987

# attribute filter
lyr$setAttributeFilter("ig_year = 2020")
#> [1] 1

# default value of read/write field 'returnGeomAs'
#> [1] "NONE"

feat <- lyr$getNextFeature()
#> List of 10
#>  $ FID         :integer64 61 
#>  $ event_id    : chr "WY4438911082120200822"
#>  $ incid_name  : chr "LONE STAR"
#>  $ incid_type  : chr "Wildfire"
#>  $ map_id      :integer64 10020495 
#>  $ burn_bnd_ac :integer64 3348 
#>  $ burn_bnd_lat: chr "44.4"
#>  $ burn_bnd_lon: chr "-110.782"
#>  $ ig_date     : Date[1:1], format: "2020-08-22"
#>  $ ig_year     : int 2020

# NULL if no more features are available
feat <- lyr$getNextFeature()
#>  NULL

# reset reading to the start and return geometry as WKT
lyr$returnGeomAs <- "WKT"
feat <- lyr$getNextFeature()
#> List of 11
#>  $ FID         :integer64 61 
#>  $ event_id    : chr "WY4438911082120200822"
#>  $ incid_name  : chr "LONE STAR"
#>  $ incid_type  : chr "Wildfire"
#>  $ map_id      :integer64 10020495 
#>  $ burn_bnd_ac :integer64 3348 
#>  $ burn_bnd_lat: chr "44.4"
#>  $ burn_bnd_lon: chr "-110.782"
#>  $ ig_date     : Date[1:1], format: "2020-08-22"
#>  $ ig_year     : int 2020
#>  $ geom        : chr "MULTIPOLYGON (((496593.122306971 15506.8828590633,496491.761299067 15605.3612548792,496290.812130161 15388.0465"| __truncated__

# clear attribute filter
#> [1] 61

# spatial filter
# get the bounding box of the largest 1988 fire and use as spatial filter
# first set a temporary attribute filter to do the lookup
lyr$setAttributeFilter("ig_year = 1988 ORDER BY burn_bnd_ac DESC")
feat <- lyr$getNextFeature()
#> List of 11
#>  $ FID         :integer64 7 
#>  $ event_id    : chr "WY4470811082119880722"
#>  $ incid_name  : chr "NORTH FORK"
#>  $ incid_type  : chr "Wildfire"
#>  $ map_id      :integer64 10014217 
#>  $ burn_bnd_ac :integer64 563527 
#>  $ burn_bnd_lat: chr "44.678"
#>  $ burn_bnd_lon: chr "-110.716"
#>  $ ig_date     : Date[1:1], format: "1988-07-22"
#>  $ ig_year     : int 1988
#>  $ geom        : chr "MULTIPOLYGON (((469685.969312071 29526.2354109807,469918.933844832 29654.3220754602,470030.299119989 29518.7441"| __truncated__

bbox <- bbox_from_wkt(feat$geom)
#> [1] 469685.97  11442.45 544069.63  85508.15

# set spatial filter on the full layer
#> [1] 40

# fetch n features at a time and return as a data frame
# analog of DBI::dbFetch() where the lyr object is a result set
# geometry can optionally be returned as NONE, WKT or WKB
d <- lyr$fetch(20)
#> 'data.frame':    20 obs. of  11 variables:
#>  $ FID         :integer64 38 7 32 25 6 40 36 8 ... 
#>  $ event_id    : chr  "MT4471311115120070627" "WY4470811082119880722" "MT4491211108020030820" "WY4433011103020000816" ...
#>  $ incid_type  : chr  "Wildfire" "Wildfire" "Wildfire" "Wildfire" ...
#>  $ map_id      :integer64 16113 10014217 13014 10014141 10014215 16428 15432 10014218 ... 
#>  $ burn_bnd_ac :integer64 3564 563527 2701 2808 20422 2175 3745 95233 ... 
#>  $ burn_bnd_lat: chr  "44.713" "44.678" "44.912" "44.329" ...
#>  $ burn_bnd_lon: chr  "-111.151" "-110.716" "-111.080" "-111.027" ...
#>  $ ig_date     : Date, format: "2007-06-27" "1988-07-22" ...
#>  $ ig_year     : int  2007 1988 2003 2000 1988 2007 2006 1988 1988 1988 ...
#>  $ geom        : chr  "MULTIPOLYGON (((469685.969631834 54506.9481370259,470235.509134591 54383.4837249131,470939.42854159 53898.69574"| __truncated__ "MULTIPOLYGON (((469685.969312071 29526.2354109807,469918.933844832 29654.3220754602,470030.299119989 29518.7441"| __truncated__ "MULTIPOLYGON (((475136.766856355 74053.2153491452,475188.847231864 74366.3342955356,475341.959781024 74368.4856"| __truncated__ "MULTIPOLYGON (((477992.723214764 8483.08443989834,477312.456870818 7630.95433906866,477088.305832492 6955.09786"| __truncated__ ...

# the next 20 features
d <- lyr$fetch(20)
#> [1] 20

# no features remaining
d <- lyr$fetch(20)
#> [1] 0
str(d)  # 0-row data frame with columns typed
#> 'data.frame':    0 obs. of  11 variables:
#>  $ FID         :integer64  
#>  $ event_id    : chr 
#>  $ incid_name  : chr 
#>  $ incid_type  : chr 
#>  $ map_id      :integer64  
#>  $ burn_bnd_ac :integer64  
#>  $ burn_bnd_lat: chr 
#>  $ burn_bnd_lon: chr 
#>  $ ig_date     : 'Date' num(0) 
#>  $ ig_year     : int 
#>  $ geom        : chr

# fetch all available features by passing n = -1, resets to first feature
# return geom as a list column of WKB raw vectors
lyr$returnGeomAs <- "WKB"
d <- lyr$fetch(-1)
#> 'data.frame':    40 obs. of  11 variables:
#>  $ FID         :integer64 38 7 32 25 6 40 36 8 ... 
#>  $ event_id    : chr  "MT4471311115120070627" "WY4470811082119880722" "MT4491211108020030820" "WY4433011103020000816" ...
#>  $ incid_type  : chr  "Wildfire" "Wildfire" "Wildfire" "Wildfire" ...
#>  $ map_id      :integer64 16113 10014217 13014 10014141 10014215 16428 15432 10014218 ... 
#>  $ burn_bnd_ac :integer64 3564 563527 2701 2808 20422 2175 3745 95233 ... 
#>  $ burn_bnd_lat: chr  "44.713" "44.678" "44.912" "44.329" ...
#>  $ burn_bnd_lon: chr  "-111.151" "-110.716" "-111.080" "-111.027" ...
#>  $ ig_date     : Date, format: "2007-06-27" "1988-07-22" ...
#>  $ ig_year     : int  2007 1988 2003 2000 1988 2007 2006 1988 1988 1988 ...
#>  $ geom        :List of 40
#>   ..$ : raw  01 06 00 00 ...
#>   ..$ : raw  01 06 00 00 ...
#>   ..$ : raw  01 06 00 00 ...
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#>   ..$ : raw  01 06 00 00 ...

# parse WKB using the wk package
wk_obj <- wk::wkb(d$geom, crs = lyr$getSpatialRef())

#> [1] 61

#> [1] 0

Created on 2024-07-21 with reprex v2.1.1

Example: layer geoprocessing

## layer intersection example

#> GDAL 3.8.4, released 2024/02/08, GEOS 3.12.1, PROJ 9.3.1

# MTBS fires in Yellowstone National Park 1984-2022
dsn <- system.file("extdata/ynp_fires_1984_2022.gpkg", package="gdalraster")
lyr <- new(GDALVector, dsn, "mtbs_perims")

# largest 1988 fire (FID = 7 from the example above)
feat <- lyr$getFeature(7)
#> List of 10
#>  $ FID         :integer64 7 
#>  $ event_id    : chr "WY4470811082119880722"
#>  $ incid_name  : chr "NORTH FORK"
#>  $ incid_type  : chr "Wildfire"
#>  $ map_id      :integer64 10014217 
#>  $ burn_bnd_ac :integer64 563527 
#>  $ burn_bnd_lat: chr "44.678"
#>  $ burn_bnd_lon: chr "-110.716"
#>  $ ig_date     : Date[1:1], format: "1988-07-22"
#>  $ ig_year     : int 1988

# get a second layer for 2000-2022 fires
# the layer argument can be a sql statement
sql <- "SELECT FID, * FROM mtbs_perims WHERE ig_year >= 2000 ORDER BY mtbs_perims.ig_year"
lyr2 <- new(GDALVector, dsn, sql)
#> [1] 40

# create an output layer using a temporary in-memory dataset
dsn_out <- "/vsimem/lyr_proc_tmp.gpkg"
srs <- lyr$getSpatialRef()
ogr_ds_create("GPKG", dsn_out, "result_layer",
              geom_type = "Polygon",
              srs = srs)
#> [1] TRUE
ogr_ds_exists(dsn_out, with_update = TRUE)
#> [1] TRUE
ogr_layer_exists(dsn_out, "result_layer")
#> [1] TRUE

lyr_out <- new(GDALVector, dsn_out, "result_layer", read_only = FALSE)
#> [1] 0

# intersection of lyr and lyr2, with result in lyr_out
lyr$layerIntersection(lyr2, lyr_out, quiet = FALSE, options = NULL)
#> 0...10...20...30...40...50...60...70...80...90...100 - done.

#> [1] 86
defn <- lyr_out$getLayerDefn()
# combined attributes
#>  [1] "input_event_id"      "input_incid_name"    "input_incid_type"   
#>  [4] "input_map_id"        "input_burn_bnd_ac"   "input_burn_bnd_lat" 
#>  [7] "input_burn_bnd_lon"  "input_ig_date"       "input_ig_year"      
#> [10] "method_event_id"     "method_incid_name"   "method_incid_type"  
#> [13] "method_map_id"       "method_burn_bnd_ac"  "method_burn_bnd_lat"
#> [16] "method_burn_bnd_lon" "method_ig_date"      "method_ig_year"     
#> [19] "geom"

# we don't have vector plotting yet, so rasterize and use plot_raster()
out_file <- "/vsimem/result_layer.tif"
rasterize(src_dsn = dsn_out,
          dstfile = out_file,
          layer = "result_layer",
          burn_attr = "method_ig_year",
          tr = c(90,90),
          tap = TRUE,
          dtName = "Int16",
          dstnodata = -9999,
          init = -9999)
#> 0...10...20...30...40...50...60...70...80...90...100 - done.

ds <- new(GDALRaster, out_file)
pal <- scales::viridis_pal(end = 0.8, direction = -1)(6)
ramp <- scales::colour_ramp(pal)
plot_raster(ds, legend = TRUE, col_map_fn = ramp, na_col = "#d9d9d9",
            main="2000-2022 re-burn within the 1988 North Fork perimeter")


#> [1] 0
#> [1] 0

Created on 2024-07-12 with reprex v2.1.1

Example: WorldCover Sentinel-2 composites

## WorldCover Sentinel-2 annual composites
## see:
## tile index lookup on remote filesystem and obtain raster data

#> GDAL 3.8.4, released 2024/02/08, GEOS 3.12.1, PROJ 9.3.1

fgb = "/vsicurl/"
lyr_tiles <- new(GDALVector, fgb)

#> [1] "FlatGeobuf"
#> [1] "worldcover_composites_grid_aws"
#> [1] "POLYGON"
#> [1] "GEOGCS[\"WGS 84\",DATUM[\"WGS_1984\",SPHEROID[\"WGS 84\",6378137,298.257223563,AUTHORITY[\"EPSG\",\"7030\"]],AUTHORITY[\"EPSG\",\"6326\"]],PRIMEM[\"Greenwich\",0,AUTHORITY[\"EPSG\",\"8901\"]],UNIT[\"degree\",0.0174532925199433,AUTHORITY[\"EPSG\",\"9122\"]],AXIS[\"Latitude\",NORTH],AXIS[\"Longitude\",EAST],AUTHORITY[\"EPSG\",\"4326\"]]"

#> [1] TRUE
#> [1] TRUE
#> [1] TRUE
#> [1] TRUE

#> [1] 19363
#> [1] -180  -60  180   83

defn <- lyr_tiles$getLayerDefn()
#>  [1] "tile"              "s1_vvvhratio_2020" "s1_vvvhratio_2021"
#>  [4] "s2_rgbnir_2020"    "s2_rgbnir_2021"    "s2_ndvi_2020"     
#>  [7] "s2_ndvi_2021"      "s2_swir_2020"      "s2_swir_2021"     
#> [10] "geometry"

# AOI for the Fishhawk fire
dsn <- system.file("extdata/ynp_fires_1984_2022.gpkg", package="gdalraster")
lyr_ynp <- new(GDALVector, dsn, "mtbs_perims")

lyr_ynp$setAttributeFilter("incid_name = 'FISHHAWK'")
#> [1] 1
lyr_ynp$returnGeomAs <- "WKT"
feat <- lyr_ynp$getNextFeature()
#> List of 11
#>  $ FID         :integer64 60 
#>  $ event_id    : chr "WY4437710988020190902"
#>  $ incid_name  : chr "FISHHAWK"
#>  $ incid_type  : chr "Wildfire"
#>  $ map_id      :integer64 10016957 
#>  $ burn_bnd_ac :integer64 10775 
#>  $ burn_bnd_lat: chr "44.384"
#>  $ burn_bnd_lon: chr "-109.85"
#>  $ ig_date     : Date[1:1], format: "2019-09-02"
#>  $ ig_year     : int 2019
#>  $ geom        : chr "MULTIPOLYGON (((573530.585472236 9160.22088906913,573266.183153384 9415.42216938034,573137.427110327 9285.44517"| __truncated__

# get the feature bbox in WGS84
bb <- g_transform(feat$geom, lyr_ynp$getSpatialRef(), epsg_to_wkt(4326)) |>
#> [1] -109.89753   44.32714 -109.83172   44.44030

# tile index lookup
#> [1] 1
feat <- lyr_tiles$getNextFeature()
#> List of 10
#>  $ FID              :integer64 16615 
#>  $ tile             : chr "N44W110"
#>  $ s1_vvvhratio_2020: chr "s3://esa-worldcover-s1/vvvhratio/2020/N44/ESA_WorldCover_10m_2020_v100_N44W110_S1VVVHratio.tif"
#>  $ s1_vvvhratio_2021: chr "s3://esa-worldcover-s1/vvvhratio/2021/N44/ESA_WorldCover_10m_2021_v200_N44W110_S1VVVHratio.tif"
#>  $ s2_rgbnir_2020   : chr "s3://esa-worldcover-s2/rgbnir/2020/N44/ESA_WorldCover_10m_2020_v100_N44W110_S2RGBNIR.tif"
#>  $ s2_rgbnir_2021   : chr "s3://esa-worldcover-s2/rgbnir/2021/N44/ESA_WorldCover_10m_2021_v200_N44W110_S2RGBNIR.tif"
#>  $ s2_ndvi_2020     : chr "s3://esa-worldcover-s2/ndvi/2020/N44/ESA_WorldCover_10m_2020_v100_N44W110_NDVI.tif"
#>  $ s2_ndvi_2021     : chr "s3://esa-worldcover-s2/ndvi/2021/N44/ESA_WorldCover_10m_2021_v200_N44W110_NDVI.tif"
#>  $ s2_swir_2020     : chr "s3://esa-worldcover-s2/swir/2020/N44/ESA_WorldCover_10m_2020_v100_N44W110_SWIR.tif"
#>  $ s2_swir_2021     : chr "s3://esa-worldcover-s2/swir/2021/N44/ESA_WorldCover_10m_2021_v200_N44W110_SWIR.tif"

# get the Sentinel-2 RGBNIR composite for this AOI
tif_file <- sub("s3://", "/vsis3/", feat$s2_rgbnir_2021, fixed = TRUE)
#> [1] "/vsis3/esa-worldcover-s2/rgbnir/2021/N44/ESA_WorldCover_10m_2021_v200_N44W110_S2RGBNIR.tif"

# public bucket so disable request signing
set_config_option("AWS_NO_SIGN_REQUEST", "YES")

# check if file exists and get size in MB
#> [1] TRUE
vsi_stat(tif_file, "size") / (1000 * 1000)
#> [1] 562.039

# copy to a local or remote filesystem, e.g.,
# tif_copy <- file.path(tempdir(), basename(tif_file))
# vsi_copy_file(tif_file, tif_copy, show_progress = TRUE)

# or open the dataset for reading
ds <- new(GDALRaster, tif_file)
#> [1] 12000 12000     4
ds$getMetadata(band=0, domain="")
#>  [1] "algorithm_version=V2.0.0"                                                                                                                                            
#>  [2] "AREA_OR_POINT=Area"                                                                                                                                                  
#>  [3] "bands=Band 1: B04 (Red), Band 2: B03 (Green), Band 3: B02 (Blue), Band 4: B08 (Infrared)"                                                                            
#>  [4] "copyright=ESA WorldCover project 2021 / Contains modified Copernicus Sentinel data (2021) processed by ESA WorldCover consortium"                                    
#>  [5] "creation_time=2022-12-09 17:08:25.881589"                                                                                                                            
#>  [6] "description=The ESA WorldCover Sentinel-2 median L2A (RGBNIR) composite is a color image made from images in Blue (B02), Green (B03), Red (B04) and Infrared (B08). "
#>  [7] "license=CC-BY 4.0 -"                                                                                                    
#>  [8] "product_crs=EPSG:4326"                                                                                                                                               
#>  [9] "product_grid=1x1 degree tiling grid"                                                                                                                                 
#> [10] "product_tile=N44W110"                                                                                                                                                
#> [11] "product_type=Sentinel-2 median L2A (RGBNIR) composite"                                                                                                               
#> [12] "product_version=V2.0.0"                                                                                                                                              
#> [13] "reference="                                                                                                                                
#> [14] "time_end=2021-12-31T23:59:59Z"                                                                                                                                       
#> [15] "time_start=2021-01-01T00:00:00Z"                                                                                                                                     
#> [16] "title=ESA WorldCover Sentinel-2 median L2A (RGBNIR) composite at 10m resolution for year 2021"
ds$getMetadata(band=0, domain="IMAGE_STRUCTURE")
#> [4] "PREDICTOR=2"

r <- read_ds(ds, bands=c(4,1,2), out_xsize = 800, out_ysize = 800)
txt <- paste0(tools::file_path_sans_ext(basename(tif_file)),
              "\n(color infrared B8-B4-B3)")
            minmax_pct_cut = c(2, 98),
            xlab = "longitude",
            ylab = "latitude",
            main = txt)


Created on 2024-07-21 with reprex v2.1.1

Further consideration / TBD

This is a working list of potential issues and design questions that need further consideration, to be determined:

  • OGR’s Arrow C interface: Implement GDALVector::getArrowStream() (GDAL >= 3.6) and GDALVector::writeArrowBatch() (GDAL >= 3.8), supported on the R side with package nanoarrow.
  • OGR layer geoprocessing expected to be moved to stand-alone functions instead of class methods in GDALVector, to be implemented in an ogr_proc() interface.

Document changelog

  • add GDALVector::setSpatialFilter() to the draft class definition - set spatial filter from WKT geometry (2024-03-02)
  • add comment in the layer intersection example re: feature retrieval by FID (2024-03-02)
  • add arguments fields and geom_column in GDALVector::getFeatureSet() - optionally retrieve a subset of attribute fields, and specify whether to include geometry column(s) in the returned data frame (2024-03-02)
  • the return value of feature writing methods should be the FID of the newly created/set/deleted feature upon successful write, or OGRNullFID on failure (2024-03-02)
  • add a note above class GDALVector re: handling of 64-bit integer types to be determined (2024-03-02)
  • add GDALVector::setIgnoredFields(): set which fields can be omitted when retrieving features from the layer. If the driver supports this functionality (testable using OLCIgnoreFields capability), it will not fetch the specified fields in subsequent calls to getFeature() / getNextFeature() thus save some processing time and/or bandwidth. (2024-03-02)
  • add ogr_execute_sql() for dataset/schema management (2024-03-02)
  • add GDALVector::setNextByIndex() for cursor positioning (2024-03-03)
  • add GDALVector::getSpatialFilter(): get the WKT geometry currently in use as the spatial filter, or "" (2024-03-03)
  • add section “Further consideration / TBD” (2024-03-03)
  • ogr2ogr() and ogrinfo() are available in dev (2024-03-04)
  • add potential output vectors of geos or ogr pointers, or wkb/wkt with support by {wk} (@mdsumner, 2024-03-04)
  • add section “Contributors” (2024-03-04)
  • add link to issue 241 for discussion thread (2024-03-05)
  • OGR layer geoprocessing may be stand-alone functions instead of class methods TBD (2024-03-10)
  • add link to the header file to reference the class methods that have been implemented so far in the prototype (2024-03-10)
  • ogr2ogr() and ogrinfo() are available in gdalraster 1.10.0 on CRAN (2024-03-26)
  • initial int64 support; now linking to RcppInt64, and importing bit64; FID and OFTInteger64 fields are now returned in R as integer64; updated the examples (2024-04-06)
  • add GDALVector::getFeature(): fetch a feature from its FID (2024-04-06)
  • add a GDALVector class constructor with spatial_filter and SQL dialect arguments (2024-04-28)
  • ogr_manage and ogr_define added in gdalraster dev; examples updated (2024-05-14)
  • update the draft class definition: Add read/write fields for per-object settings (defaultGeomFldName, returnGeomAs and wkbByteOrder). Rename method getFeatureSet() to fetch(), analog of DBI::dbFetch(), fetch the next n features from the layer and return them as a data frame. (2024-07-11)
  • update usage example for recent changes in gdalvector branch: defaultGeomFldName, returnGeomAs = NONE|WKT|WKT_ISO|WKB|WKB_ISO, GDALVector::fetch(), all OGR attribute field types now supported (2024-07-12)
  • add sub-headings under the heading “Description of the interface”, and add specifications under “Feature retrieval” and “Geometry” (2024-07-13)
  • GDALVector::testCapability() returns a list of named capabilities with TRUE|FALSE, class method version of ogr_layer_test_cap() (2024-07-21)
  • branch gdalvector was merged into main (2024-07-23)
