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ogr_proc() performs GIS overlay operations on vector layers ( It provides an interface to the GDAL API methods for these operations (OGRLayer::Intersection(), OGRLayer::Union(), etc). Inputs are given as objects of class GDALVector, which may have spatial and/or attribute filters applied. The output layer will be created if it does not exist, but output can also be appended to an existing layer, or written to an existing empty layer that has a custom schema defined. ogr_proc() is basically a port of the ogr_layer_algebra utility in the GDAL Python bindings.


  out_lyr_name = NULL,
  out_geom_type = NULL,
  out_fmt = NULL,
  dsco = NULL,
  lco = NULL,
  mode_opt = NULL,
  overwrite = FALSE,
  quiet = FALSE,
  return_lyr_obj = TRUE



Character string specifying the operation to perform. One of Intersection, Union, SymDifference, Identity, Update, Clip or Erase (see Details).


An object of class GDALVector to use as the input layer. For overlay operations, this is the first layer in the operation.


An object of class GDALVector to use as the method layer. This is the conditional layer supplied to an operation (e.g., Clip, Erase, Update), or the second layer in overlay operations (e.g., Union, Intersection, SymDifference).


The destination vector filename or database connection string to which the output layer will be written.


Layer name where the output vector will be written. May be NULL (e.g., shapefile), but typically must be specified.




GDAL short name of the output vector format. If unspecified, the function will attempt to guess the format from the value of out_dsn.


Optional character vector of format-specific creation options for out_dsn ("NAME=VALUE" pairs).


Optional character vector of format-specific creation options for out_layer ("NAME=VALUE" pairs).


Optional character vector of "NAME=VALUE" pairs that specify processing options. Available options depend on the value of mode (see Details).


Logical scalar. TRUE to overwrite the output layer if it already exists. Defaults to FALSE.


Logical scalar. If TRUE, a progress bar will not be displayed. Defaults to FALSE.


Logical scalar. If TRUE (the default), an object of class GDALVector opened on the output layer will be returned, otherwise returns a logical value.


Upon successful completion, an object of class GDALVector is returned by default (if return_lyr_obj = TRUE), or logical TRUE is returned (invisibly) if return_lyr_obj = FALSE. Logical FALSE is returned (invisibly) if an error occurs during processing.


Seven processing modes are available:

  • Intersection: The output layer contains features whose geometries represent areas that are common between features in the input layer and in the method layer. The features in the output layer have attributes from both input and method layers.

  • Union: The output layer contains features whose geometries represent areas that are either in the input layer, in the method layer, or in both. The features in the output layer have attributes from both input and method layers. For features which represent areas that are only in the input layer or only in the method layer the respective attributes have undefined values.

  • SymDifference: The output layer contains features whose geometries represent areas that are in either in the input layer or in the method layer but not in both. The features in the output layer have attributes from both input and method layers. For features which represent areas that are only in the input or only in the method layer the respective attributes have undefined values.

  • Identity: Identifies the features of the input layer with the ones from the method layer. The output layer contains features whose geometries represent areas that are in the input layer. The features in the output layer have attributes from both the input and method layers.

  • Update: The update method creates a layer which adds features into the input layer from the method layer, possibly cutting features in the input layer. The features in the output layer have areas of the features of the method layer or those areas of the features of the input layer that are not covered by the method layer. The features of the output layer get their attributes from the input layer.

  • Clip: The clip method creates a layer which has features from the input layer clipped to the areas of the features in the method layer. By default the output layer has attributes of the input layer.

  • Erase: The erase method creates a layer which has features from the input layer whose areas are erased by the features in the method layer. By default, the output layer has attributes of the input layer.

By default, ogr_proc() will create the output layer with an empty schema. It will be initialized by GDAL to contain all fields in the input layer, or depending on the operation, all fields in both the input and method layers. In the latter case, the prefixes "input_" and "method_" will be added to the output field names by default. The default prefixes can be overridden in the mode_opt argument as described below.

Alternatively, the functions in the ogr_manage interface could be used to create an empty layer with user-defined schema (e.g., ogr_ds_create(), ogr_layer_create() and ogr_field_create()). If the schema of the output layer is set by the user and contains fields that have the same name as a field in both the input and method layers, then the attribute for an output feature will get the value from the feature of the method layer.

Options that affect processing can be set as NAME=VALUE pairs passed in the mode_opt argument. Some options are specific to certain processing modes as noted below:

  • SKIP_FAILURES=YES/NO. Set it to YES to go on, even when a feature could not be inserted or a GEOS call failed.

  • PROMOTE_TO_MULTI=YES/NO. Set to YES to convert Polygons into MultiPolygons, LineStrings to MultiLineStrings or Points to MultiPoints (only since GDAL 3.9.2 for the latter).

  • INPUT_PREFIX=string. Set a prefix for the field names that will be created from the fields of the input layer.

  • METHOD_PREFIX=string. Set a prefix for the field names that will be created from the fields of the method layer.

  • USE_PREPARED_GEOMETRIES=YES/NO. Set to NO to not use prepared geometries to pretest intersection of features of method layer with features of input layer. Applies to Intersection, Union, Identity.

  • PRETEST_CONTAINMENT=YES/NO. Set to YES to pretest the containment of features of method layer within the features of input layer. This will speed up the operation significantly in some cases. Requires that the prepared geometries are in effect. Applies to Intersection.

  • KEEP_LOWER_DIMENSION_GEOMETRIES=YES/NO. Set to NO to skip result features with lower dimension geometry that would otherwise be added to the output layer. The default is YES, to add features with lower dimension geometry, but only if the result output has an UNKNOWN geometry type. Applies to Intersection, Union, Identity.

The input and method layers should have the same spatial reference system. No on-the-fly reprojection is done. When an output layer is created it will have the SRS of input_lyr.


The first geometry field is always used.

For best performance use the minimum amount of features in the method layer and copy into a memory layer.


# MTBS fires in Yellowstone National Park 1984-2022
dsn <- system.file("extdata/ynp_fires_1984_2022.gpkg", package="gdalraster")

# layer filtered to fires since year 2000
lyr1 <- new(GDALVector, dsn, "mtbs_perims")
lyr1$setAttributeFilter("ig_year >= 2000")
#> [1] 40

# second layer for the 1988 North Fork fire perimeter
sql <- paste0("SELECT incid_name, ig_year, geom ",
              "FROM mtbs_perims ",
              "WHERE incid_name = 'NORTH FORK'")
lyr2 <- new(GDALVector, dsn, sql)
#> [1] 1

# intersect to obtain areas re-burned since 2000
tmp_dsn <- tempfile(fileext = ".gpkg")
opt <- c("INPUT_PREFIX=layer1_",

lyr_out <- ogr_proc(mode = "Intersection",
                    input_lyr = lyr1,
                    method_lyr = lyr2,
                    out_dsn = tmp_dsn,
                    out_lyr_name = "north_fork_reburned",
                    out_geom_type = "MULTIPOLYGON",
                    mode_opt = opt)
#> 0...10...20...30...40...50...60...70...80...90...100 - done.

# the output layer has attributes of both the input and method layers
lyr_out$returnGeomAs <- "TYPE_NAME"
d <- lyr_out$fetch(-1)
#> OGR feature set
#>   FID layer1_event_id       layer1_incid_name layer1_incid_type layer1_map_id
#> 1 1   WY4484611038620100914 ANTELOPE          Wildfire          10013735     
#> 2 2   WY4466711063920120810 CYGNET            Wildfire          1961         
#> 3 3   WY4474311097820160809 MAPLE             Wildfire          10005020     
#> 4 4   WY4492611093820160805 FAWN              Wildfire          10005117     
#> 5 5   WY4457911058620160826 CENTRAL           Wildfire          10014143     
#>   layer1_burn_bnd_ac layer1_burn_bnd_lat layer1_burn_bnd_lon layer1_ig_date
#> 1 4888               44.839              -110.368            2010-09-14    
#> 2 3188               44.682              -110.622            2012-08-10    
#> 3 103193             44.731              -110.982            2016-08-09    
#> 4 3161               44.936              -110.913            2016-08-05    
#> 5 2340               44.595              -110.574            2016-08-26    
#>   layer1_ig_year layer2_incid_name layer2_ig_year geom        
#> 1 2010           NORTH FORK        1988           MULTIPOLYGON
#> 2 2012           NORTH FORK        1988           MULTIPOLYGON
#> 3 2016           NORTH FORK        1988           MULTIPOLYGON
#> 4 2016           NORTH FORK        1988           MULTIPOLYGON
#> 5 2016           NORTH FORK        1988           MULTIPOLYGON

# clean up