is a wrapper of the ogr2ogr
utility (see https://gdal.org/en/stable/programs/ogr2ogr.html).
This function can be used to convert simple features data between file
formats. It can also perform various operations during the process, such
as spatial or attribute selection, reducing the set of attributes, setting
the output coordinate system or even reprojecting the features during
Refer to the GDAL documentation at the URL above for a description of
command-line arguments that can be passed in cl_arg
- src_dsn
Character string. Data source name of the source vector dataset.
- dst_dsn
Character string. Data source name of the destination vector dataset.
- src_layers
Optional character vector of layer names in the source dataset. Defaults to all layers.
- cl_arg
Optional character vector of command-line arguments for the GDAL
command-line utility (see URL above).- open_options
Optional character vector of dataset open options.
For progress reporting, see command-line argument -progress
: Display
progress on terminal. Only works if input layers have the "fast feature
count" capability.
See also
, the ogr_manage utilities
for raster data
src <- system.file("extdata/ynp_fires_1984_2022.gpkg", package="gdalraster")
# Convert GeoPackage to Shapefile
ynp_shp <- file.path(tempdir(), "ynp_fires.shp")
ogr2ogr(src, ynp_shp, src_layers = "mtbs_perims")
# Reproject to WGS84
ynp_gpkg <- file.path(tempdir(), "ynp_fires.gpkg")
args <- c("-t_srs", "EPSG:4326", "-nln", "fires_wgs84")
ogr2ogr(src, ynp_gpkg, cl_arg = args)
# Clip to a bounding box (xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax in the source SRS)
# This will select features whose geometry intersects the bounding box.
# The geometries themselves will not be clipped unless "-clipsrc" is
# specified.
# The source SRS can be overridden with "-spat_srs" "<srs_def>"
# Using -update mode to write a new layer in the existing DSN
bb <- c(469685.97, 11442.45, 544069.63, 85508.15)
args <- c("-update", "-nln", "fires_clip", "-spat", bb)
ogr2ogr(src, ynp_gpkg, cl_arg = args)
# Filter features by a -where clause
sql <- "ig_year >= 2000 ORDER BY ig_year"
args <- c("-update", "-nln", "fires_2000-2020", "-where", sql)
ogr2ogr(src, ynp_gpkg, src_layers = "mtbs_perims", cl_arg = args)
# Dissolve features based on a shared attribute value
if (has_spatialite()) {
sql <- "SELECT ig_year, ST_Union(geom) AS geom FROM mtbs_perims GROUP BY ig_year"
args <- c("-update", "-sql", sql, "-dialect", "SQLITE")
args <- c(args, "-nlt", "MULTIPOLYGON", "-nln", "dissolved_on_year")
ogr2ogr(src, ynp_gpkg, cl_arg = args)