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g_transform() will transform the coordinates of a geometry from their current spatial reference system to a new target spatial reference system. Normally this means reprojecting the vectors, but it could include datum shifts, and changes of units.


  wrap_date_line = FALSE,
  date_line_offset = 10L,
  as_wkb = TRUE,
  as_iso = FALSE,
  byte_order = "LSB",
  quiet = FALSE



Either a raw vector of WKB or list of raw vectors, or a character vector containing one or more WKT strings.


Character string specifying the spatial reference system for pts. May be in WKT format or any of the formats supported by srs_to_wkt().


Character string specifying the output spatial reference system. May be in WKT format or any of the formats supported by srs_to_wkt().


Logical scalar. TRUE to correct geometries that incorrectly go from a longitude on a side of the antimeridian to the other side. Defaults to FALSE.


Integer scalar. Longitude gap in degree. Defaults to 10.


Logical, TRUE to return the output geometry in WKB format (the default), or FALSE to return as WKT.


Logical, TRUE to export as ISO WKB/WKT (ISO 13249 SQL/MM Part 3), or FALSE (the default) to export as "Extended WKB/WKT".


Character string specifying the byte order when output is WKB. One of "LSB" (the default) or "MSB" (uncommon).


Logical, TRUE to suppress warnings. Defaults to FALSE.


A geometry as WKB raw vector or WKT string, or a list/character vector of geometries as WKB/WKT with length equal to the number of input geometries. NA is returned with a warning if an input geometry cannot be converted into an OGR geometry object, or if an error occurs in the call to the underlying OGR API.


This function uses the OGR_GeomTransformer_Create() and OGR_GeomTransformer_Transform() functions in the GDAL API: "This is an enhanced version of OGR_G_Transform(). When reprojecting geometries from a Polar Stereographic projection or a projection naturally crossing the antimeridian (like UTM Zone 60) to a geographic CRS, it will cut geometries along the antimeridian. So a LineString might be returned as a MultiLineString."

The wrap_date_line = TRUE option might be specified for circumstances to correct geometries that incorrectly go from a longitude on a side of the antimeridian to the other side, e.g., LINESTRING (-179 0,179 0) will be transformed to MULTILINESTRING ((-179 0,-180 0),(180 0,179 0)). For that use case, srs_to might be the same as srs_from.


pt <- "POINT (-114.0 47.0)"
g_transform(pt, "WGS84", "EPSG:5070", as_wkb = FALSE)
#> [1] "POINT (-1367125.77866242 2797551.11860518)"

# correct geometries that incorrectly go from a longitude on a side of the
# antimeridian to the other side
geom <- "LINESTRING (-179 0,179 0)"
g_transform(geom, "WGS84", "WGS84", wrap_date_line = TRUE, as_wkb = FALSE)
#> [1] "MULTILINESTRING ((-179 0,-180 0),(180 0,179 0))"