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vsi_get_file_metadata() returns metadata for file system objects. Implemented for network-like filesystems. Starting with GDAL 3.7, implemented for /vsizip/ with SOZip metadata. Wrapper of VSIGetFileMetadata() in the GDAL Common Portability Library.


vsi_get_file_metadata(filename, domain)



Character string. The path of the file system object to be queried.


Character string. Metadata domain to query. Depends on the file system, see Details.


A named list of values, or NULL in case of error or empty list.


The metadata available depends on the file system. The following are supported as of GDAL 3.9:

  • HEADERS: to get HTTP headers for network-like filesystems (/vsicurl/, /vsis3/, /vsgis/, etc).

  • TAGS: for /vsis3/, to get S3 Object tagging information. For /vsiaz/, to get blob tags.

  • STATUS: specific to /vsiadls/: returns all system-defined properties for a path (seems in practice to be a subset of HEADERS).

  • ACL: specific to /vsiadls/ and /vsigs/: returns the access control list for a path. For /vsigs/, a single XML=xml_content string is returned.

  • METADATA: specific to /vsiaz/: blob metadata (this will be a subset of what domain=HEADERS returns).

  • ZIP: specific to /vsizip/: to obtain ZIP specific metadata, in particular if a file is SOZIP-enabled (SOZIP_VALID=YES).


# create an SOZip-enabled file and validate
# Requires GDAL >= 3.7
f <- system.file("extdata/ynp_fires_1984_2022.gpkg", package="gdalraster")

if (as.integer(gdal_version()[2]) >= 3070000) {
  zip_file <- tempfile(fileext=".zip")
  addFilesInZip(zip_file, f, full_paths=FALSE, sozip_enabled="YES")
  zip_vsi <- file.path("/vsizip", zip_file)
  print("Files in zip archive:")
  print("SOZip metadata:")
  print(vsi_get_file_metadata(zip_vsi, domain="ZIP"))
