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vsi_get_fs_options() returns the list of options associated with a virtual file system handler. Those options may be set as configuration options with set_config_option(). Wrapper for VSIGetFileSystemOptions() in the GDAL API.


vsi_get_fs_options(filename, as_list = TRUE)



Filename, or prefix of a virtual file system handler.


Logical scalar. If TRUE (the default), the XML string returned by GDAL will be coerced to list. FALSE to return the configuration options as a serialized XML string.


An XML string, or empty string ("") if no options are declared. If as_list = TRUE (the default), the XML string will be coerced to list with xml2::as_list().


#> [1] ""

#> $Options
#> $Options$Option
#> list()
#> attr(,"name")
#> attr(,"type")
#> [1] "string"
#> attr(,"description")
#> [1] "Number of threads for compression. Either a integer or ALL_CPUS"
#> $Options$Option
#> list()
#> attr(,"name")
#> attr(,"type")
#> [1] "string"
#> attr(,"description")
#> [1] "Chunk of uncompressed data for parallelization. Use K(ilobytes) or M(egabytes) suffix"
#> attr(,"default")
#> [1] "1M"

vsi_get_fs_options("/vsizip/", as_list = FALSE)
#> [1] "<Options>  <Option name='GDAL_NUM_THREADS' type='string' description='Number of threads for compression. Either a integer or ALL_CPUS'/>  <Option name='CPL_VSIL_DEFLATE_CHUNK_SIZE' type='string' description='Chunk of uncompressed data for parallelization. Use K(ilobytes) or M(egabytes) suffix' default='1M'/></Options>"