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inv_project() transforms geospatial x/y coordinates to longitude/latitude in the same geographic coordinate system used by the given projected spatial reference system. The output long/lat can optionally be set to a specific geographic coordinate system by specifying a well known name (see Details).


inv_project(pts, srs, well_known_gcs = NULL)



A data frame or numeric matrix containing geospatial point coordinates, or point geometries as a list of WKB raw vectors or character vector of WKT strings. If data frame or matrix, the number of columns must be either two (x, y), three (x, y, z) or four (x, y, z, t). May be also be given as a numeric vector for one point (xy, xyz, or xyzt).


Character string specifying the projected spatial reference system for pts. May be in WKT format or any of the formats supported by srs_to_wkt().


Optional character string containing a supported well known name of a geographic coordinate system (see Details for supported values).


Numeric matrix of longitude, latitude (potentially also with z, or z and t columns).


By default, the geographic coordinate system of the projection specified by srs will be used. If a specific geographic coordinate system is desired, then well_known_gcs can be set to one of the values below:

EPSG:nwhere n is the code of a geographic coordinate system
WGS84same as EPSG:4326
WGS72same as EPSG:4322
NAD83same as EPSG:4269
NAD27same as EPSG:4267
CRS84same as WGS84
CRS72same as WGS72
CRS27same as NAD27

The coordinates returned by inv_project()will always be in longitude, latitude order (traditional GIS order) regardless of the axis order defined for the GCS names above.


Input points that contain missing values (NA) will be assigned NA in the output and a warning emitted. Input points that fail to transform with the GDAL API call will also be assigned NA in the ouput with a specific warning indicating that case.

See also


pt_file <- system.file("extdata/storml_pts.csv", package="gdalraster")
# id, x, y in NAD83 / UTM zone 12N
pts <- read.csv(pt_file)
#>    id   xcoord  ycoord
#> 1   1 324650.9 5103344
#> 2   2 324171.0 5103034
#> 3   3 323533.4 5103329
#> 4   4 325220.0 5103508
#> 5   5 325703.1 5102377
#> 6   6 326297.8 5103924
#> 7   7 325520.4 5104146
#> 8   8 326247.7 5102506
#> 9   9 327711.7 5104476
#> 10 10 324181.7 5103901
inv_project(pts[,-1], "EPSG:26912")
#>            [,1]     [,2]
#>  [1,] -113.2671 46.06118
#>  [2,] -113.2732 46.05827
#>  [3,] -113.2815 46.06076
#>  [4,] -113.2598 46.06280
#>  [5,] -113.2531 46.05276
#>  [6,] -113.2460 46.06682
#>  [7,] -113.2561 46.06862
#>  [8,] -113.2461 46.05405
#>  [9,] -113.2279 46.07214
#> [10,] -113.2733 46.06607