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getCreationOptions() returns the list of creation options supported by a GDAL format driver. This function is a wrapper of GDALGetDriverCreationOptionList() in the GDAL API, parsing its XML output into a named list.


getCreationOptions(format, filter = NULL)



Format short name (e.g., "GTiff").


Optional character vector of creation option names.


A named list with names matching the creation option names, and each element a named list with elements $type, $description, $default and $values (see Details).


The output is a nested list with names matching the creation option names. The information for each creation option is a named list with the following elements:

  • $type: a character string describing the data type, e.g., "int", "float", "string". The type "string-select" denotes a list of allowed string values which are returned as a character vector in the $values element (see below).

  • $description: a character string describing the option, or NA if no description is provided by the GDAL driver.

  • $default: the default value of the option as either a character string or numeric value, or NA if no description is provided by the GDAL driver.

  • $values: a character vector of allowed string values for the creation option if $type is "string-select", otherwise NULL if the option is not a "string-select" type.

  • $min: (GDAL >= 3.11) the minimum value of the valid range for the option, or NA if not provided by the GDAL driver or the option is not a numeric type.

  • $max: (GDAL >= 3.11) the maximum value of the valid range for the option, or NA if not provided by the GDAL driver or the option is not a numeric type.


opt <- getCreationOptions("GTiff", "COMPRESS")
#> [1] "COMPRESS"

(opt$COMPRESS$type == "string-select")  # TRUE
#> [1] TRUE
#>  [1] "NONE"         "LZW"          "PACKBITS"     "JPEG"         "CCITTRLE"    
#>  [6] "CCITTFAX3"    "CCITTFAX4"    "DEFLATE"      "LZMA"         "ZSTD"        
#> [11] "WEBP"         "LERC"         "LERC_DEFLATE" "LERC_ZSTD"   

all_opt <- getCreationOptions("GTiff")
#>  [1] "COMPRESS"                       "PREDICTOR"                     
#>  [3] "DISCARD_LSB"                    "JPEG_QUALITY"                  
#>  [5] "JPEGTABLESMODE"                 "ZLEVEL"                        
#>  [7] "LZMA_PRESET"                    "ZSTD_LEVEL"                    
#>  [9] "MAX_Z_ERROR"                    "MAX_Z_ERROR_OVERVIEW"          
#> [11] "WEBP_LOSSLESS"                  "WEBP_LEVEL"                    
#> [13] "NUM_THREADS"                    "NBITS"                         
#> [15] "INTERLEAVE"                     "TILED"                         
#> [17] "TFW"                            "RPB"                           
#> [19] "RPCTXT"                         "BLOCKXSIZE"                    
#> [21] "BLOCKYSIZE"                     "PHOTOMETRIC"                   
#> [23] "SPARSE_OK"                      "ALPHA"                         
#> [25] "PROFILE"                        "PIXELTYPE"                     
#> [27] "BIGTIFF"                        "ENDIANNESS"                    
#> [29] "COPY_SRC_OVERVIEWS"             "SOURCE_ICC_PROFILE"            
#> [33] "SOURCE_PRIMARIES_BLUE"          "SOURCE_WHITEPOINT"             
#> [41] "GEOTIFF_KEYS_FLAVOR"            "GEOTIFF_VERSION"               

# $description and $default will be NA if no value is provided by the driver
# $values will be NULL if the option is not a 'string-select' type

#> $type
#> [1] "int"
#> $description
#> [1] "Predictor Type (1=default, 2=horizontal differencing, 3=floating point prediction)"
#> $default
#> [1] NA
#> $values

#> $type
#> [1] "string-select"
#> $description
#> [1] "Force creation of BigTIFF file"
#> $default
#> [1] NA
#> $values
#> [1] "YES"       "NO"        "IF_NEEDED" "IF_SAFER" 