Create a GDAL virtual raster derived from one source dataset
creates a virtual raster dataset (VRT format) derived from
one source dataset with options for virtual subsetting, virtually resampling
the source data at a different pixel resolution, or applying a virtual
kernel filter. (See buildVRT()
for virtual mosaicing.)
relativeToVRT = FALSE,
vrtfile = tempfile("tmprast", fileext = ".vrt"),
resolution = NULL,
subwindow = NULL,
src_align = TRUE,
resampling = "nearest",
krnl = NULL,
normalized = TRUE
- srcfile
Source raster filename.
- relativeToVRT
Logical. Indicates whether the source filename should be interpreted as relative to the .vrt file (
) or not relative to the .vrt file (FALSE
, the default). IfTRUE
, the .vrt file is assumed to be in the same directory assrcfile
is used in the .vrt file. UseTRUE
if the .vrt file will always be stored in the same directory withsrcfile
.- vrtfile
Output VRT filename.
- resolution
A numeric vector of length two (xres, yres). The pixel size must be expressed in georeferenced units. Both must be positive values. The source pixel size is used if
is not specified.- subwindow
A numeric vector of length four (xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax). Selects
of the source raster with corners given in georeferenced coordinates (in the source CRS). If not given, the upper left corner of the VRT will be the same as source, and the VRT extent will be the same or larger than source depending onresolution
.- src_align
: the upper left corner of the VRT extent will be set to the upper left corner of the source pixel that containssubwindow
xmin, ymax. The VRT will be pixel-aligned with source if the VRTresolution
is the same as the source pixel size, otherwise VRT extent will be the minimum rectangle that containssubwindow
for the given pixel size. Often,src_align=TRUE
when selecting a raster minimum bounding box for a vector polygon.FALSE
: the VRT upper left corner will be exactlysubwindow
xmin, ymax, and the VRT extent will be the minimum rectangle that containssubwindow
for the given pixel size. Ifsubwindow
is not given, the source raster extent is used in which casesrc_align=FALSE
has no effect. Usesrc_align=FALSE
to pixel-align two rasters of different sizes, i.e., when the intent is target alignment.
- resampling
The resampling method to use if xsize, ysize of the VRT is different than the size of the underlying source rectangle (in number of pixels). The values allowed are nearest, bilinear, cubic, cubicspline, lanczos, average and mode (as character).
- krnl
A filtering kernel specified as pixel coefficients.
is a array with dimensions (size, size), where size must be an odd number.krnl
can also be given as a vector with length size x size. For example, a 3x3 average filter is given by:krnl <- c( 0.11111, 0.11111, 0.11111, 0.11111, 0.11111, 0.11111, 0.11111, 0.11111, 0.11111)
A kernel cannot be applied to sub-sampled or over-sampled data.
- normalized
Logical. Indicates whether the kernel is normalized. Defaults to
can be used to virtually clip and pixel-align
various raster layers with each other or in relation to vector
polygon boundaries. It also supports VRT kernel filtering.
A VRT dataset is saved as a plain-text file with extension .vrt. This file
contains a description of the dataset in an XML format. The description
includes the source raster filename which can be a full path
(relativeToVRT = FALSE
) or relative path (relativeToVRT = TRUE
For relative path, rasterToVRT()
assumes that the .vrt file will be in
the same directory as the source file and uses basename(srcfile)
. The
elements of the XML schema describe how the source data will be read, along
with algorithms potentially applied and so forth. Documentation of the XML
format for .vrt is at:
Since .vrt is a small plain-text file it is fast to write and requires
little storage space. Read performance is not degraded for certain simple
operations (e.g., virtual clip without resampling). Reading will be
slower for virtual resampling to a different pixel resolution or virtual
kernel filtering since the operations are performed on-the-fly (but .vrt
does not require the up front writing of a resampled or kernel-filtered
raster to a regular format). VRT is sometimes useful as an intermediate
raster in a series of processing steps, e.g., as a tempfile
GDAL VRT format has several capabilities and uses beyond those
covered by rasterToVRT()
. See the URL above for a full discussion.
Pixel alignment is specified in terms of the source raster pixels (i.e.,
of the virtual raster). The use case in mind is virtually
clipping a raster to the bounding box of a vector polygon and keeping
pixels aligned with srcfile
(src_align = TRUE
). src_align
would be
set to FALSE
if the intent is "target alignment". For example, if
is the bounding box of another raster with a different layout,
then also setting resolution
to the pixel resolution of the target raster
and src_align = FALSE
will result in a virtual raster pixel-aligned with
the target (i.e., pixels in the virtual raster are no longer aligned with
its srcfile
). Resampling defaults to nearest
if not specified.
Examples for both cases of src_align
are given below.
assumes srcfile
is a north-up raster.
See also
, bbox_from_wkt()
, buildVRT()
can write VRT for virtual reprojection
## resample
evt_file <- system.file("extdata/storml_evt.tif", package="gdalraster")
ds <- new(GDALRaster, evt_file)
#> [1] 30 30
#> [1] 323476.1 5101872.0 327766.1 5105082.0
# table of the unique pixel values and their counts
tbl <- buildRAT(evt_file)
#> scanning raster...
#> 0...10...20...30...40...50...60...70...80...90...100 - done.
#> 1 7011 28
#> 2 7046 4564
#> 3 7050 570
#> 4 7055 889
#> 5 7056 304
#> 6 7057 11
#> 7 7070 267
#> 8 7106 3
#> 9 7125 1
#> 10 7126 1082
#> 11 7140 679
#> 12 7143 199
#> 13 7144 765
#> 14 7145 681
#> 15 7166 32
#> 16 7169 60
#> 17 7292 397
#> 18 7901 2
#> 19 9016 2486
#> 20 9017 13
#> 21 9018 1280
#> 22 9021 14
#> 23 9022 98
#> 24 NA 876
#> [1] 15301
# resample at 90-m resolution
# EVT is thematic vegetation type so use a majority value
vrt_file <- rasterToVRT(evt_file,
# .vrt is a small xml file pointing to the source raster
#> [1] 1652
tbl90m <- buildRAT(vrt_file)
#> scanning raster...
#> 0...10...20...30...40...50...60...70...80...90...100 - done.
#> 1 7011 1
#> 2 7046 614
#> 3 7050 59
#> 4 7055 75
#> 5 7056 27
#> 6 7057 2
#> 7 7070 27
#> 8 7126 119
#> 9 7140 59
#> 10 7143 13
#> 11 7144 75
#> 12 7145 64
#> 13 7166 2
#> 14 7169 4
#> 15 7292 48
#> 16 9016 322
#> 17 9017 1
#> 18 9018 152
#> 19 9021 1
#> 20 9022 9
#> 21 NA 54
#> [1] 1728
ds <- new(GDALRaster, vrt_file)
#> [1] 90 90
#> [1] 323476.1 5101842.0 327796.1 5105082.0
## clip
evt_file <- system.file("extdata/storml_evt.tif", package="gdalraster")
ds_evt <- new(GDALRaster, evt_file)
#> [1] 323476.1 5101872.0 327766.1 5105082.0
# WKT string for a boundary within the EVT extent
bnd = "POLYGON ((324467.3 5104814.2, 323909.4 5104365.4, 323794.2
5103455.8, 324970.7 5102885.8, 326420.0 5103595.3, 326389.6 5104747.5,
325298.1 5104929.4, 325298.1 5104929.4, 324467.3 5104814.2))"
# src_align = TRUE
vrt_file <- rasterToVRT(evt_file,
subwindow = bbox_from_wkt(bnd),
ds_vrt <- new(GDALRaster, vrt_file)
# VRT is a virtual clip, pixel-aligned with the EVT raster
#> [1] 323794.2 5102885.8 326420.0 5104929.4
#> [1] 323776.1 5102862.0 326446.1 5104932.0
#> [1] 30 30
# src_align = FALSE
vrt_file <- rasterToVRT(evt_file,
subwindow = bbox_from_wkt(bnd),
ds_vrt_noalign <- new(GDALRaster, vrt_file)
# VRT upper left corner (xmin, ymax) is exactly bnd xmin, ymax
#> [1] 323794.2 5102859.4 326434.2 5104929.4
#> [1] 30 30
## subset and pixel align two rasters
# FARSITE landscape file for the Storm Lake area
lcp_file <- system.file("extdata/storm_lake.lcp", package="gdalraster")
ds_lcp <- new(GDALRaster, lcp_file)
# Landsat band 5 file covering the Storm Lake area
b5_file <- system.file("extdata/sr_b5_20200829.tif", package="gdalraster")
ds_b5 <- new(GDALRaster, b5_file)
ds_lcp$bbox() # 323476.1 5101872.0 327766.1 5105082.0
#> [1] 323476.1 5101872.0 327766.1 5105082.0
ds_lcp$res() # 30 30
#> [1] 30 30
ds_b5$bbox() # 323400.9 5101815.8 327870.9 5105175.8
#> [1] 323400.9 5101815.8 327870.9 5105175.8
ds_b5$res() # 30 30
#> [1] 30 30
# src_align = FALSE because we need target alignment in this case:
vrt_file <- rasterToVRT(b5_file,
resolution = ds_lcp$res(),
subwindow = ds_lcp$bbox(),
src_align = FALSE)
ds_b5vrt <- new(GDALRaster, vrt_file)
ds_b5vrt$bbox() # 323476.1 5101872.0 327766.1 5105082.0
#> [1] 323476.1 5101872.0 327766.1 5105082.0
ds_b5vrt$res() # 30 30
#> [1] 30 30
# read the the Landsat file pixel-aligned with the LCP file
# summarize band 5 reflectance where FBFM = 165
# LCP band 4 contains FBFM (a classification of fuel beds):
ds_lcp$getMetadata(band=4, domain="")
#> [1] "FUEL_MODEL_FILE=/netapp/sharedwebfs1/shared/landfire/public/temp_q8dTbIJ4w6Qi36Omkzk0/LCP_LF2022_FBFM40_220_CONUS/temp/merged_modified.tif"
#> [2] "FUEL_MODEL_MAX=183"
#> [3] "FUEL_MODEL_MIN=-9999"
#> [6] "FUEL_MODEL_OPTION_DESC=no custom models AND no conversion file needed"
#> [7] "FUEL_MODEL_VALUES=0,98,99,101,102,121,122,123,142,162,165,181,183"
# verify Landsat nodata (0):
#> [1] 0
# will be read as NA and omitted from stats
rs <- new(RunningStats, na_rm=TRUE)
ncols <- ds_lcp$getRasterXSize()
nrows <- ds_lcp$getRasterYSize()
for (row in 0:(nrows-1)) {
row_fbfm <- ds_lcp$read(band=4, xoff=0, yoff=row,
xsize=ncols, ysize=1,
out_xsize=ncols, out_ysize=1)
row_b5 <- ds_b5vrt$read(band=1, xoff=0, yoff=row,
xsize=ncols, ysize=1,
out_xsize=ncols, out_ysize=1)
rs$update(row_b5[row_fbfm == 165])
#> [1] 2498
#> [1] 12992.35
#> [1] 7635
#> [1] 17866
#> [1] 32454886
#> [1] 1214912
#> [1] 1102.23