Wrapper to get FIA plots within the boundary population (area of interest) - Intersect with state boundary - Get FIA plots for intersected states, including tree, and spatial - Clip spatial coordinates and other tables to boundary (spClipPoint)
bnd_dsn = NULL,
bnd.filter = NULL,
states = NULL,
xy_dsn = NULL,
xy = "PLOT",
xy_opts = xy_options(),
datsource = NULL,
data_dsn = NULL,
dbTabs = dbTables(),
eval = "FIA",
eval_opts = NULL,
pjoinid = "CN",
invtype = "ANNUAL",
intensity1 = FALSE,
pvars2keep = NULL,
bndvars2keep = NULL,
clipxy = TRUE,
showsteps = FALSE,
returnxy = TRUE,
savedata = FALSE,
exportsp = FALSE,
savedata_opts = NULL
- bnd
sf R object, Area of Interest (AOI) boundary. Can be a spatial sf object, full pathname to a shapefile, or name of a layer within a database.
- bnd_dsn
String. Data source name (dsn; e.g., SQLite database or shapefile pathname) of bnd. The dsn varies by driver. See gdal OGR vector formats (https://www.gdal.org/ogr_formats.html). Optional if bnd is an R object.
- bnd.filter
String. Filter to subset bnd spatial layer.
- states
String. The name of state(s) for tables (e.g., "Vermont", "Utah").
- RS
String. Name of FIA research station to restrict states to ('RMRS','SRS','NCRS','NERS','PNWRS'). If NULL, all research stations are included.
- xy_datsource
Source of XY data ('datamart', 'sqlite', 'obj', 'csv').
- xy_dsn
If datsource='sqlite', the file name (data source name) of the sqlite database (*.db) where XY data reside.
- xy
sf R object or String. If xy_dsn = 'datamart', name of xy table in FIA DataMart. If xy_dsn = 'sqlite', name of xy layer in database. If datsource = 'csv', full pathname of xy CSV file(s). If datsource = 'obj', name of xy R object. If datsource = 'shp', full pathname of shapefile.
- xy_opts
List of xy data options for xy (e.g., xy_opts = list(xvar='LON', yvar='LAT'). See xy_options() for more options and defaults.
- datsource
String. Source of FIA data for defining FIA evaluations or appending variables ('datamart', 'sqlite', 'obj', 'csv'). If datsource = NULL, datsource = xy_datsource. If datsource = 'datamart', data are downloaded extracted from FIA DataMart (http://apps.fs.usda.gov/fia/datamart/datamart.html). If datsource='sqlite', specify database name(s) in data_dsn and table name(s) in dbTabs() argument. If datsource = ('obj','csv'), specify *.csv file name in dbTabs argument.
- data_dsn
String. Name of database with plot_layer and/or ppsa_layer.
- dbTabs
String or R Object. If data_dsn = 'datamart', name of table(s) in FIA DataMart. If data_dsn = 'sqlite', name of layer(s) in database. If datsource = 'csv', name of CSV file(s). If datsource = 'obj', name of R object.
- eval
String. Type of evaluation time frame for data extraction ('FIA', 'custom'). See eval_opts for more further options.
- eval_opts
List of evaluation options for 'FIA' or 'custom' evaluations to determine the set of data returned. See help(eval_options) for a list of options.
- pjoinid
String. Variable in plt to join to XY data. Not necessary to be unique. If using most current XY coordinates, use identifier for a plot (e.g., PLOT_ID).
- invtype
String. Type of FIA inventory to extract ('PERIODIC', 'ANNUAL'). Only one inventory type (PERIODIC/ANNUAL) at a time.
- intensity1
Logical. If TRUE, includes only XY coordinates where INTENSITY = 1 (FIA base grid).
- pvars2keep
String vector. One or more variables in plot table to append to output.
- bndvars2keep
String vector. One or more variables in bnd to append to output.
- clipxy
Logical. If TRUE, clips xy data to bnd.
- showsteps
Logical. If TRUE, display data in device window.
- returnxy
Logical. If TRUE, returns XY coordinates.
- savedata
Logical. If TRUE, saves data to outfolder. Note: includes XY data if returnxy = TRUE.
- exportsp
Logical. If savedata = TRUE and returnxy = TRUE, if TRUE, exports XY data as spatial data.
- savedata_opts
List. See help(savedata_options()) for a list of options. Only used when savedata = TRUE.
- spxy
sf. If returnxy=TRUE, spatial xy point data.
- pltids
data frame. A table of pltids that are within bnd.
- spxy
sf data frame. If returnxy, a simple feature with pltids within bnd.
- bndx
sf object. Input bnd.
- xy.uniqueid
String. Unique identifier of plots in xy.
- states
String. Vector of states that intersect bnd.
- countyfips
String. Vector of countyfips values that intersect bnd.
- stbnd.att
String. Name of state attribute used to select plots.
If savedata=TRUE and returnxy=TRUE, the plt data frame, including XY
coordinates is saved to outfolder (xyplt).
If savedata=TRUE and returnxy=FALSE, the plt data frame, without XY
coordinates is saved to outfolder (pltids).
If savedata=TRUE and returnxy=TRUE and exportsp=TRUE, the spxy sf object is
exported as shapefile to outfolder.
Plots are extracted from 3 different data sources:
1) CSV - data have
previously been extracted from the FIA database and stored as CSV files.
2) datamart - data are extracted from FIA's publically-available
3) sqlite - data have previously been extracted from the FIA
database and stored within a SQLite database.
Selection parameters
FIA plots are selected based on the following parameters:
evalid - the FIA evaluation identifier | |
evalCur - the most current FIA evaluation in database | |
evalEndyr - the FIA evaluation ending in evalEndyr | |
evalType - the FIA evaluation type ('ALL', 'AREAVOL', 'GRM', 'P2VEG', 'DWM', 'INV', 'REGEN', 'CRWN') | |
measCur - the most current measurement of each plot in database | |
measEndyr - the most current measuremtn of each plot in database in or prior to measEndyr | |
Endyr.filter - a filter for bnd that specifies the boundary where measEndyr should be applied |
If savebnd=TRUE:
If out_fmt=c('csv','shp'), the st_write (sf) function
is called. The ArcGIS driver truncates variable names to 10 characters or
less. Variable names are changed before export using an internal function
(trunc10shp). If Spatial object has more than 1 record, it will be returned
but not exported.
If datsource="datmart", (default), data are imported from FIA DataMart. The plot coordinates have been altered for privacy (See https://www.fia.fs.fed.us/tools-data/spatial/Policy/index.php for details). The zip files are extracted on-the-fly from the online website. Web server connections will affect download speeds.
if (FALSE) { # \dontrun{
# Set up data from FIESTA
WYbhfn <- system.file("extdata",
package = "FIESTA")
# Use spGetXY
WYbhxy <- spGetXY(bnd = WYbhfn,
xy_datsource = "datamart",
eval = "custom",
eval_opts = list(Cur = TRUE),
returnxy = TRUE)
} # }