Data - Aggregates numeric tree data by tree domain (i.e. species) to plot or condition-level.
Aggregates numeric tree domain data (e.g., SPCD) to plot or condition, including options for filtering tree data or extrapolating to plot acre by multiplying by TPA. Includes options for generating barplots, proportion data, and cover data.
tree = NULL,
seed = NULL,
cond = NULL,
plt = NULL,
subp_cond = NULL,
subplot = NULL,
datsource = "obj",
dbconn = NULL,
dsn = NULL,
bycond = FALSE,
bysubp = FALSE,
tsumvar = NULL,
seedlings = "N",
woodland = "Y",
tfilter = NULL,
tdomvar = "SPCD",
tdomvarlst = NULL,
tdomvar2 = NULL,
tdomvar2lst = NULL,
tdomprefix = NULL,
tdombarplot = FALSE,
tdomtot = FALSE,
tdomtotnm = NULL,
bydomainlst = NULL,
FIAname = FALSE,
spcd_name = "COMMON",
pivot = TRUE,
presence = FALSE,
proportion = FALSE,
getadjplot = FALSE,
domclassify = NULL,
tderive = NULL,
pltidsWITHqry = NULL,
pcwhereqry = NULL,
savedata = FALSE,
tabIDs = tableIDs(),
datSum_opts = datSum_options(),
database_opts = NULL,
savedata_opts = NULL
- tree
Data frame or comma-delimited file (*.csv). The tree-level table with tree domain data.
- seed
Data frame or comma-delimited file (*.csv). The seedling table with tree seedling counts. Only applicable for counts (tsumvar="PLT_CN").
- cond
Data frame or comma-delimited file (*.csv). Condition-level table to join the aggregated tree data to, if bycond=TRUE. This table also may be used for condition proportion or strata variables used if adjcond or adjstrata = TRUE (See details below). This table is optional. If included, CONDID must be present in table.
- plt
Dataframe, comma-delimited file (*.csv), or shapefile (*.shp). Plot-level table to join the aggregated tree data to, if bycond=FALSE. This table is optional.
- subp_cond
Dataframe, comma-delimited file (*.csv), or shapefile (*.shp). Subplot condition-level table to use to sum condition proportions, if bysubp=TRUE.
- subplot
Dataframe, comma-delimited file (*.csv), or shapefile (*.shp). Subplot-level table to used to calculate adjustment factors, to remove nonsampled conditions (SUBP_STATUS_CD = 3). This table is optional.
- datsource
String. Source of data ('obj', 'csv', 'sqlite', 'gdb').
- dbconn
Open database connection.
- dsn
String. If datsource='sqlite', the name of SQLite database (*.sqlite).
- bycond
Logical. If TRUE, data are aggregated to the condition level (by: uniqueid, CONDID). If FALSE, data are aggregated to the plot level (by: uniqueid).
- bysubp
Logical. If TRUE, data are aggregated to the subplot level.
- tsumvar
String. Name of the variable to aggregate (e.g., "BA"). For summing number of trees, use tsumvar="TPA_UNADJ" with tfun=sum.
- seedlings
String. ('Y', 'N', 'only') If seedlings = 'Y', add seedlings to summary ('TPA_UNADJ' do not add seedlings. If seedlings = 'only', only include seedlings.
- woodland
String. ('Y', 'N', 'only') If woodland = 'Y', include woodland tree species where measured. If woodland = 'N', only include timber species. See FIESTA::ref_species$WOODLAND ='Y/N'. If woodland = 'only', only include woodland species. If NULL, use whatever is in table.
- tfilter
String. A filter to subset the tree data before aggregating (e.g., "STATUSCD == 1"). This must be in R syntax. If tfilter=NULL, user is prompted. Use tfilter="NONE" if no filters.
- tdomvar
String. The tree domain (tdom) variable used to aggregate by (e.g., "SPCD", "SPGRPCD").
- tdomvarlst
String (vector). List of specific tree domains of tdomvar to aggregate (e.g., c(108, 202)). If NULL, all domains of tdomvar are used.
- tdomvar2
String. A second tree domain variable to use to aggregate by (e.g. "DIACL"). The variables, tdomvar and tdomvar2 will be concatenated before summed.
- tdomvar2lst
String (vector). List of specific tree domains of tdomvar2 to aggregate. If NULL, all domains of tdomvar2 are used.
- tdomprefix
String. The prefix used for naming the aggregated tree data, before numeric codes (e.g., "SP" = SP102, SP746).
- tdombarplot
Logical. If TRUE and pivot=TRUE, calls datBarplot() and outputs a barplot of tdom distributions. If savedata=TRUE, barplots are written to outfolder.
- tdomtot
Logical. If TRUE and pivot=TRUE a total of all tree domains in tdomvarlst is calculated and added to output data frame.
- tdomtotnm
String. If tdomtot=TRUE, the variable name for the total column in output data frame. If NULL, the default will be tdomvar + 'TOT'.
- bydomainlst
String (vector). Categorical domain variables not in tdomvar/tdomvar2. Variables must be in tree table or plt/cond table if tables are provided.
- FIAname
Logical. If TRUE, changes names of columns for SPCD and SPGRPCD from code to FIA names.
- spcd_name
String. Output name type if tdomvar or tdomvar2 = "SPCD" ('COMMON', 'SCIENTIFIC', 'SYMBOL').
- pivot
Logical. If TRUE, tdomvar data are transposed (pivoted) to separate columns.
- presence
Logical. If TRUE, an additional table is output with tree domain values as presence/absence (1/0).
- proportion
Logical. If TRUE and pivot=TRUE, an additional table will be output with tree domain data as proportions of total tsumvar.
- getadjplot
Logical. If TRUE, adjustments are calculated for nonsampled conditions on plot.
- domclassify
List. List for classifying domain variables in bydomainlst (e.g., DIA = c(10,20,30)).
- tderive
List. List of derivative to add to output data (e.g., list(MEAN_DIA = 'AVG(DIA)', SDI = 'POWER(DIA / 10, 1.605)', QMD = 'SQRT(SUM(POWER(DIA,2) * 0.005454 * TPA_UNADJ) / (SUM(TPA_UNADJ)*0.005454))'))
- pltidsWITHqry
SQL query. A query identifying plots to sum (e.g., 'WITH pltids AS (SELECT cn AS PLT_CN FROM plot WHERE statecd=49 and INVYR=2018)')
- pcwhereqry
String. Plot/Condition filter if plot and/or cond table is included.
- savedata
Logical. If TRUE, saves data to outfolder.
- tabIDs
List of unique IDs corresponding to the tables. See See help(tableIDs) for a list of options.
- datSum_opts
List. Options for summarizing tree data, such as TPA, rounding, and adjusting TPA. See help(datSum_options()) for a list of options.
- database_opts
List. Options for database, such as schema and password. See help(database_options()) for a list of options.
- savedata_opts
List. See help(savedata_options()) for a list of options. Only used when savedata = TRUE. If out_layer = NULL, default = 'tdomsum'.
tdomdata - a list of the following objects:
- tdomdat
Data frame. Plot or condition-level table with aggregated tree domain (tdom) attributes (filtered).
- tdomsum
Data frame. The tdom look-up table with data aggregated by species.
- tdomvar
String. Name of the tdom variable used to aggregate by.
- tsumvar
String. Name of the aggregated output variable.
- tdomlst
Vector. List of the aggregated tree data in tdomdat.
- tdomdat.pres
Data frame. Plot or condition-level table with aggregated tree domain attributes represented as presence/absence (1/0).
- tdomdat.prop
Data frame. Plot or condition-level table with aggregated tree domain attributes represented as proportion of total by plot.
- tdomdat.cov
Data frame. Plot or condition-level table with aggregated tree domain attributes represented as percent cover, multipying cover attribute by tdom proportion by plot.
If savedata=TRUE
- tdomdat will be saved to the outfolder
- a text file of input parameters is saved to
outfolder ('outfn'_parameters_'date'.txt).
- if presence=TRUE,
tdomdat.prop is saved to outfolder ('tdomprefix'_PRESDAT.csv) - if
proportion=TRUE, tdomdat.prop is saved to outfolder
('tdomprefix'_PROPDAT.csv) - if cover=TRUE, tdomdat.prop is saved to
outfolder ('tdomprefix'_COVDAT.csv)
If variable = NULL, then it will prompt user for input.
If you want to get trees-per-acre information aggregated to plot or
condition level, you need to include a TPA variable in tree table.
you must have TPAGROW_UNADJ
you must have TPAREMV_UNADJ
If you want to adjust plot-level information by condition proportions, you
need to include CONDID & CONDPROP_UNADJ in cond or tree table.
If you want to adjust the aggregated tree data by the area of the strata
(estimation unit), you need to either have a variable in your tree data
named adjfact or you need to included the following variables in your
macroplot trees).
Tree table: TPA_UNADJ
All trees where DIA=NA are removed from analysis. These are trees that were remeasured but are no longer in inventory (ex. a tree that is dead and not standing in the current inventory).
This function can be used to get tree domain data. This data can be used for mapping tree domain distributions.
# \donttest{
# Sum of Number of Live Trees by Species
datSumTreeDom(tree = FIESTA::WYtree,
plt = FIESTA::WYplt,
bycond = FALSE,
tsumvar = "PLT_CN",
tdomtot = TRUE,
tdomprefix = "CNT",
tfilter = "STATUSCD==1",
datSum_opts = list(tround = 0))
#> $tdomdat
#> Key: <PLT_CN>
#> PLT_CN CNT NA CNT019 CNT065 CNT066 CNT093 CNT096 CNT101 CNT106
#> <char> <num> <num> <num> <num> <num> <num> <num> <num>
#> 1: 40404728010690 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
#> 2: 40404729010690 0 0 0 12 0 0 0 0
#> 3: 40404730010690 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
#> 4: 40404731010690 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
#> 5: 40404733010690 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
#> ---
#> 3043: 40407866010690 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
#> 3044: 40407867010690 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
#> 3045: 40407868010690 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
#> 3046: 40407869010690 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
#> 3047: 46792188020004 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
#> CNT108 CNT113 CNT122 CNT202 CNT313 CNT375 CNT475 CNT544 CNT745 CNT746
#> <num> <num> <num> <num> <num> <num> <num> <num> <num> <num>
#> 1: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
#> 2: 0 18 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
#> 3: 6 36 135 138 0 0 0 0 0 0
#> 4: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
#> 5: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
#> ---
#> 3043: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
#> 3044: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
#> 3045: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
#> 3046: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
#> 3047: 0 18 0 282 0 0 0 0 0 0
#> <num> <num> <num>
#> 1: 0 0 0
#> 2: 0 0 30
#> 3: 0 0 315
#> 4: 0 0 0
#> 5: 0 0 0
#> ---
#> 3043: 0 0 0
#> 3044: 0 0 0
#> 3045: 0 0 0
#> 3046: 0 0 0
#> 3047: 0 0 300
#> $tsumuniqueid
#> [1] "PLT_CN"
#> $tsumvarnm
#> [1] "COUNT_TPA"
#> $tdomvarnm
#> [1] "SPCDNM"
#> $tdomvarlut
#> <char> <num> <int>
#> 1: CNT NA 0 2506
#> 2: CNT066 5328 72
#> 3: CNT113 4770 78
#> 4: CNT108 69563 235
#> 5: CNT122 12995 91
#> 6: CNT202 9831 98
#> 7: CNT746 12339 64
#> 8: CNT019 55937 218
#> 9: CNT093 22564 186
#> 10: CNT065 2216 20
#> 11: CNT745 96 3
#> 12: CNT823 1213 12
#> 13: CNT375 75 1
#> 14: CNT101 11568 90
#> 15: CNT096 348 3
#> 16: CNT749 225 4
#> 17: CNT475 24 2
#> 18: CNT313 54 2
#> 19: CNT544 66 2
#> 20: CNT106 6 1
#> $tdomlst
#> [1] "CNT NA" "CNT019" "CNT065" "CNT066" "CNT093" "CNT096" "CNT101" "CNT106"
#> [9] "CNT108" "CNT113" "CNT122" "CNT202" "CNT313" "CNT375" "CNT475" "CNT544"
#> [17] "CNT745" "CNT746" "CNT749" "CNT823"
#> $tdomtotnm
#> [1] "CNTTOT"
#> $tdomainlst
#> [1] "SPCD"
#> $pcdomainlst
#> character(0)
#> $treeqry
#> [1] "WITH\npltids AS\n(SELECT CN AS PLT_CN\n FROM pltx), \n----- get tree data\ntdat AS\n(SELECT 'TREE' src, t.PLT_CN, t.CONDID, t.SUBP, t.TREE, t.SPCD, t.TPA_UNADJ\n FROM treex t\n JOIN pltids ON (t.PLT_CN = pltids.PLT_CN)\n WHERE STATUSCD=1)\n-------------------------------------------\nSELECT pltids.PLT_CN, SPCD, \n COALESCE(SUM(TPA_UNADJ),0) AS COUNT_TPA\nFROM pltids pltids\nLEFT JOIN tdat ON (tdat.PLT_CN = pltids.PLT_CN)\nGROUP BY pltids.PLT_CN, SPCD"
# Sum of Number of Live Trees by Species, Including Seedlings
datSumTreeDom(tree = WYtree,
seed = WYseed,
bycond = FALSE,
tsumvar = "PLT_CN",
tdomtot = TRUE,
tdomprefix = "CNT",
datSum_opts = list(tround = 0))
#> $tdomdat
#> Key: <PLT_CN>
#> PLT_CN CNT019 CNT065 CNT066 CNT093 CNT096 CNT101 CNT106 CNT108
#> <char> <num> <num> <num> <num> <num> <num> <num> <num>
#> 1: 40404729010690 0 0 12 0 0 0 0 0
#> 2: 40404730010690 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6
#> 3: 40404737010690 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
#> 4: 40404738010690 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
#> 5: 40404742010690 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
#> ---
#> 569: 40407821010690 0 0 6 0 0 0 0 0
#> 570: 40407831010690 0 0 309 0 0 0 0 0
#> 571: 40407845010690 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
#> 572: 40407861010690 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
#> 573: 46792188020004 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
#> CNT113 CNT122 CNT202 CNT313 CNT375 CNT475 CNT544 CNT745 CNT746 CNT749
#> <num> <num> <num> <num> <num> <num> <num> <num> <num> <num>
#> 1: 30 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
#> 2: 48 141 138 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
#> 3: 12 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12 0
#> 4: 72 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
#> 5: 0 42 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
#> ---
#> 569: 0 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
#> 570: 0 84 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
#> 571: 0 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
#> 572: 0 501 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
#> 573: 42 0 391 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
#> <num> <num>
#> 1: 0 42
#> 2: 0 333
#> 3: 0 24
#> 4: 0 84
#> 5: 0 42
#> ---
#> 569: 0 12
#> 570: 0 393
#> 571: 0 6
#> 572: 0 501
#> 573: 0 433
#> $tsumuniqueid
#> [1] "PLT_CN"
#> $tsumvarnm
#> [1] "COUNT_TPA"
#> $tdomvarnm
#> [1] "SPCDNM"
#> $tdomvarlut
#> <char> <num> <int>
#> 1: CNT066 5562 75
#> 2: CNT113 6270 102
#> 3: CNT108 81140 262
#> 4: CNT122 13670 98
#> 5: CNT202 11871 107
#> 6: CNT746 13608 72
#> 7: CNT019 60632 243
#> 8: CNT093 26341 209
#> 9: CNT065 2493 21
#> 10: CNT745 102 4
#> 11: CNT823 1237 12
#> 12: CNT375 81 2
#> 13: CNT101 15291 106
#> 14: CNT096 348 3
#> 15: CNT749 231 5
#> 16: CNT475 36 3
#> 17: CNT313 60 2
#> 18: CNT544 66 2
#> 19: CNT106 6 1
#> $tdomlst
#> [1] "CNT019" "CNT065" "CNT066" "CNT093" "CNT096" "CNT101" "CNT106" "CNT108"
#> [9] "CNT113" "CNT122" "CNT202" "CNT313" "CNT375" "CNT475" "CNT544" "CNT745"
#> [17] "CNT746" "CNT749" "CNT823"
#> $tdomtotnm
#> [1] "CNTTOT"
#> $tdomainlst
#> [1] "SPCD"
#> $pcdomainlst
#> character(0)
#> $treeqry
#> [1] "WITH tdat AS\n(SELECT 'TREE' src, t.PLT_CN, t.CONDID, t.SUBP, t.TREE, t.SPCD, t.TPA_UNADJ\n FROM treex t)\n-------------------------------------------\nSELECT tdat.PLT_CN, SPCD, \n COALESCE(SUM(TPA_UNADJ),0) AS COUNT_TPA\nFROM tdat\nGROUP BY tdat.PLT_CN, SPCD"
# }