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FIA plot-level data for the state of Wyoming, FIA Evaluation 561301, including inventory years 2011-2013.


A data frame with 20 columns and 3047 rows.


FIA national database (FIADB_1.7.0.00), downloaded September 18, 2016.


CNUnique FIADB identifier
PREV_PLT_CNPrevious unique FIADB identifier
INVYRInventory year
STATECDState code (FIPS)
CYCLEInventory cycle number
SUBCYCLEInventory subcycle number (Do not use subcycle 99 for estimation)
UNITCDSurvey unit code
COUNTYCDCounty code
PLOTPhase 2 plot number (Public)
LON_PUBLICLongitude - fuzzed/swapped (Decimal degrees; NAD83)
LAT_PUBLICLatitude - fuzzed/swapped (Decimal degrees; NAD83)
PLOT_NONSAMPLE_REASN_CDPlot nonsampled reason
SAMP_METHOD_CDSample method code
SUBP_EXAMINE_CDSubplots examined code
MANUALManual version number
MEASYEARMeasurement year
MEASMONMeasurement month
MEASDAYMeasurement day
REMPERRemeasurement period
DESIGNCDPlot design
P2PANELPhase 2 panel number
SUBPANELSubpanel number
ELEVElevation (ft)
KINDCDSample kind
MORT_TYP_CDType of annual mortality volume (1:Current annual; 2:Periodic annual)
GROW_TYP_CDType of annual volume growth (1:Current annual; 2:Periodic annual)
NF_PLOT_NONSAMPLE_REASN_CDNonforest sampling status
P2VEG_SAMPLING_STATUS_CDP2 vegetation sampling status
PLOT_STATUS_CDPlot sampling status
NF_PLOT_STATUS_CDNonforest plot sampling status
NBRCNDDERIVED: Number of conditions for plot
NBRCNDFORDERIVED: Number of different forest type conditions for plot
FORNONSAMPDERIVED: Plot status - sampled and nonsampled (Combination of PLOT_NONSAMPLE_REASN_CD and PLOT_STATUS_CD)
CCLIVEPLTDERIVED: Percent cover of live trees for plot (LIVE_CANOPY_CVR_PCT * CONDPROP_UNADJ)
UNIQUEIDDERIVED: Unique identifier for plot location ('Z'+STATECD(2)+UNITCD(2)+COUNTYCD(3)+PLOT(5))


Burrill, E.A.; Wilson, A.M.; Turner, J.A.; Pugh, S.A.; Menlove, J.; Christiansen, G.; B.L. Conkling, B.L.: David, W. 2018. The Forest Inventory and Analysis Database: Database description and user guide version 8.0 for Phase 2.