FIA plot-level data for the state of Wyoming, FIA Evaluation 561301, including inventory years 2011-2013.
CN | Unique FIADB identifier | |
PREV_PLT_CN | Previous unique FIADB identifier | |
INVYR | Inventory year | |
STATECD | State code (FIPS) | |
CYCLE | Inventory cycle number | |
SUBCYCLE | Inventory subcycle number (Do not use subcycle 99 for estimation) | |
UNITCD | Survey unit code | |
COUNTYCD | County code | |
PLOT | Phase 2 plot number (Public) | |
LON_PUBLIC | Longitude - fuzzed/swapped (Decimal degrees; NAD83) | |
LAT_PUBLIC | Latitude - fuzzed/swapped (Decimal degrees; NAD83) | |
PLOT_NONSAMPLE_REASN_CD | Plot nonsampled reason | |
SAMP_METHOD_CD | Sample method code | |
SUBP_EXAMINE_CD | Subplots examined code | |
MANUAL | Manual version number | |
INTENSITY | Intensity | |
MEASYEAR | Measurement year | |
MEASMON | Measurement month | |
MEASDAY | Measurement day | |
REMPER | Remeasurement period | |
DESIGNCD | Plot design | |
P2PANEL | Phase 2 panel number | |
SUBPANEL | Subpanel number | |
ELEV | Elevation (ft) | |
KINDCD | Sample kind | |
MORT_TYP_CD | Type of annual mortality volume (1:Current annual; 2:Periodic annual) | |
GROW_TYP_CD | Type of annual volume growth (1:Current annual; 2:Periodic annual) | |
NF_PLOT_NONSAMPLE_REASN_CD | Nonforest sampling status | |
P2VEG_SAMPLING_STATUS_CD | P2 vegetation sampling status | |
PLOT_STATUS_CD | Plot sampling status | |
NF_PLOT_STATUS_CD | Nonforest plot sampling status | |
NBRCND | DERIVED: Number of conditions for plot | |
NBRCNDFOR | DERIVED: Number of different forest type conditions for plot | |
FORNONSAMP | DERIVED: Plot status - sampled and nonsampled (Combination of PLOT_NONSAMPLE_REASN_CD and PLOT_STATUS_CD) | |
CCLIVEPLT | DERIVED: Percent cover of live trees for plot (LIVE_CANOPY_CVR_PCT * CONDPROP_UNADJ) | |
UNIQUEID | DERIVED: Unique identifier for plot location ('Z'+STATECD(2)+UNITCD(2)+COUNTYCD(3)+PLOT(5)) |