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Extracts summary statistics by polygon, or zone for a raster (single or multi-band).


  polyv_dsn = NULL,
  polyv.att = NULL,
  rastfolder = NULL,
  bands = NULL,
  pixelfun = NULL,
  validate = FALSE,
  outname = NULL,
  showext = FALSE,
  rastlut = NULL,
  rast.NODATA = NULL,
  savedata = FALSE,
  savedata_opts = NULL



sf R object or String. Polygon data to identify zones. Can be a spatial polygon object, full pathname to a shapefile, or name of a layer within a database.


String. Data source name (dsn; e.g., sqlite or shapefile pathname) of zonal layer. The dsn varies by driver. See gdal OGR vector formats ( Optional if polyv is sf object.


String. Name of attribute in polyv to identify zones for summarizing raster statistics.


String or Raster. File name with extension, or raster object. Note: raster objects must be written to file.


String. Name of the folder with raster layers. Optional. Useful if all raster layers are in same folder.


Numeric vector. If rast is a multi-layer raster and only 1 or some layers are desired, specify layer number(s) in a vector format. If NULL, all layers are summed.


String vector. Zonal statistic(s) to return for rasters with continuous data ("mean", "sum", "majority", "minority", "variety", "npixels") or rasters with discrete data ("count", "proportion").


Function. A function to apply to the individual pixel values before calculating sum and mean. The function should accept a single numeric argument (pixel value) and return a single numeric argument.


Logical. If TRUE, validates polyv and clippolyv before clipping. Uses sf::st_make_valid with default parameters (geos_method='valid_structure', geos_keep_collapsed=FALSE).


String. Variable name for output. The output names will use outname as a prefix to summary statistics (i.e., 'outname'.mean, 'outname'.sum).


Logical. If TRUE, layer extents are displayed in plot window.


Data frame. A look up table to recode raster values. Must be 2 columns: Column 1 with raster values and column 2 with recode values.


Numeric. NODATA value (if not already defined) or other values to ignore. These values will be removed from output zonal table. NODATA values defined in raster are removed before zonal statistic calculations.


Logical. If TRUE, the zonal data are saved to outfolder.


List. See help(savedata_options()) for a list of options. Only used when savedata = TRUE. If out_layer = NULL, default = 'zonalext'.



Data frame. Zonal statistics by polygon attribute (attribute).


String vector. Names of zonal statistic variables generated in zonalext data frame.


String vector. Names of raster file(s) associated with zonal statistic.

If savedata=TRUE, outdat data frame is saved to outfolder (Default name: zonalext_'date'.csv).


Use spZonalRast() to prompt for input.

If the projection of polyv is different than the projection of rast, the polyv SpatialPolygons object is converted to the projection of rast (See note about on-the-fly projection conversion).


NODATA values are raster pixel values that have no data of interest, including pixels within the extent of the layer, but outside the area of interest. Sometimes these pixels have been defined previously. The defined NODATA pixels are imported to R as NULL values. When not previously defined, the pixels outside the area of interest will be the minimum or maximum value depending on the data type (e.g., 16-bit signed: min=-32,768; max=32,768) or byte size (1 byte: min=0; max=255). These NODATA values will be added to the zonal statistic calculations if not specified in rast.NODATA.

On-the-fly projection conversion
The spTransform (sf) method is used for on-the-fly map projection conversion and datum transformation using PROJ.4 arguments. Datum transformation only occurs if the +datum tag is present in the both the from and to PROJ.4 strings. The +towgs84 tag is used when no datum transformation is needed. PROJ.4 transformations assume NAD83 and WGS84 are identical unless other transformation parameters are specified. Be aware, providing inaccurate or incomplete CRS information may lead to erroneous data shifts when reprojecting. See spTransform help documentation for more details.


Tracey S. Frescino


# \donttest{
# Set up data from `FIESTA`
WYbhdistfn <- system.file("extdata",
                          package = "FIESTA")
demfn <- system.file("extdata",
                     package = "FIESTA")

# Import spatial data with `spImportSpatial`
WYbhdist <- spImportSpatial(WYbhdistfn)

# Extract mean and sum in `WYbhdist`
spZonalRast(polyv = WYbhdist, 
            polyv.att = "DISTRICTNA", 
            rastfn = demfn, 
            zonalstat = c("mean", "sum")) 
#> /home/runner/work/_temp/Library/FIESTA/extdata/sp_data/WYbighorn_dem_250m.img
#> reprojecting layer... 
#>  from: NAD83 
#>  to: PROJCS["North_American_1927_Albers",GEOGCS["NAD27",DATUM["North_American_Datum_1927",SPHEROID["Clarke 1866",6378206.4,294.9786982,AUTHORITY["EPSG","7008"]],AUTHORITY["EPSG","6267"]],PRIMEM["Greenwich",0],UNIT["Degree",0.0174532925199433]],PROJECTION["Albers_Conic_Equal_Area"],PARAMETER["latitude_of_center",23],PARAMETER["longitude_of_center",-96],PARAMETER["standard_parallel_1",29.5],PARAMETER["standard_parallel_2",45.5],PARAMETER["false_easting",0],PARAMETER["false_northing",0],UNIT["metre",1,AUTHORITY["EPSG","9001"]],AXIS["Easting",EAST],AXIS["Northing",NORTH]]
#> $zonalext
#>                       DISTRICTNA WYbighorn_dem_250m.mean WYbighorn_dem_250m.sum
#> 1 Medicine Wheel Ranger District                2650.793               62603774
#> 2   Powder River Ranger District                2686.069               58150700
#> 3         Tongue Ranger District                2538.865               67965407
#> $outname
#> [1] "WYbighorn_dem_250m.mean" "WYbighorn_dem_250m.sum" 
#> $rasterfile
#> [1] "/home/runner/work/_temp/Library/FIESTA/extdata/sp_data/WYbighorn_dem_250m.img"
#> [2] "/home/runner/work/_temp/Library/FIESTA/extdata/sp_data/WYbighorn_dem_250m.img"
# }