Wrapper to reclass a raster using a vector of cut breaks.
bnd = NULL,
bnd_dsn = NULL,
bnd.filter = NULL,
buffdist = NULL,
nodataclass = NULL,
gethist = FALSE,
savedata_opts = NULL
- rastfn
String. Path name of raster to classify.
- cutbreaks
Integer vector. Breaks to use for classifying (e.g., c(0,50,75) uses function in calc: 'ifelse (A >= 0 & A < 50, 1, ifelse (A >= 50 & A < 75, 2, ifelse (A >= 75, 3, 255)))'
- bnd
sf R object or String. Boundary to clip raster (optional). Can be a spatial sf object, full pathname to a shapefile, or name of a layer within a database.
- bnd_dsn
String. Name of data source name with bnd_layer, if in a database.
- bnd.filter
String. Optional filter of bnd_layer.
- buffdist
Number. The distance to buffer the polygon before clipping raster, in units of raster.
- nodataclass
Integer. Class number to assign NODATA values to.
- gethist
Logical. If TRUE, returns a histogram of pixel values by class.
- savedata_opts
List. See help(savedata_options()) for a list of options. Only used when savedata = TRUE.