Spatial - Aligns a list of raster layer(s) based on a reference raster.
Rasters are pixel-aligned and reprojected using the gdal warp function with help from the gdalraster package. The extent of the reference raster is used or a given boundary extent.
resample_methodlst = NULL,
clip = FALSE,
bnd = NULL,
bnd_dsn = NULL,
tile = TRUE,
tile_blocksize = 256,
makestack = FALSE,
outrastnmlst = NULL,
outfolder = NULL,
overwrite = TRUE
- ref_rastfn
String. Full path name of reference raster.
- rastlst
String. Full path names of one or more rasters to align.
- resample_methodlst
String. Resample method ('mode', 'near', 'bilinear', 'cubic', 'cubicspline', 'max', 'min', 'med', 'average'). Suggested values: if raster type is categorical; 'mode' or 'near'. if raster type is continuous; 'bilinear', 'cubic'.
- clip
Logical. If TRUE, subset raster to a boundary.
- bnd
R object or Full path name to a shapefile or layer in a database.
- bnd_dsn
String. Data source name of bnd, if bnd is a layer in a database.
- tile
Logical. If TRUE, tile the output raster.
- tile_blocksize
Numeric. If tile = TRUE, define the size of tile block.
- makestack
Logical. If TRUE, makes a raster stack with format 'GTIFF'.
- outrastnmlst
String. Base name of output raster (e.g., 'elev').
- outfolder
String. Name of folder for writing output raster. If NULL, outfolder = getwd().
- overwrite
Logical. If TRUE, overwrite output raster.