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Generates percent, area or ratio-of-means estimates, with associated sampling error by domain (and estimation unit). Calculations are based on Patterson (2012) photo-based estimators for the Nevada photo-based inventory.


  PBpopdat = NULL,
  tabtype = "PCT",
  sumunits = FALSE,
  ratio = FALSE,
  landarea = "ALL",
  landarea.filter = NULL,
  nonsamp.pntfilter = NULL,
  pntfilter = NULL,
  pfilter = NULL,
  rowvar = NULL,
  colvar = NULL,
  domlut = NULL,
  domvarlst = NULL,
  ratioden = "ROWVAR",
  gainloss = FALSE,
  gainloss.vals = NULL,
  addtitle = FALSE,
  returntitle = FALSE,
  savedata = FALSE,
  table_opts = NULL,
  title_opts = NULL,
  savedata_opts = NULL,
  gui = FALSE,



List. Population data objects returned from modPBpop().


String. Type of units for the table ("PCT", "AREA").


Logical. If TRUE, estimation units are combined to one table for output. Note: only available if tabtype="AREA". Acres


Logical. If TRUE, ratio estimates are generated.


String. Sample area for estimates ("ALL", "CHANGE"). Used to describe landarea.filter.


String. filter for land area. Must be R syntax.


String. An expression for filtering nonsampled points (e.g., cloud coverage). Must be R syntax.


String. A global filter for the pnt file. Must be R syntax.


String. A global filter for the plt file. Must be R syntax.


String. Name of domain variable in pnt used for output estimation table rows. If only 1 domain, must be rowvar. If no domain, rowvar=NULL.


String. Name of domain variable in pnt used for output estimation table columns. If only 1 domain, colvar=NULL.


DF/DT or comma-delimited (*.csv). Look-up table to define the variables in the pnt table with category codes (DOMCODE) and code names (DOMNAME), and to set a pretty name for the variable to use in output table (DOMTITLE). This table is also used to populate rowvar/colvar, row.orderby/col.orderby, and title.rowvar/title.colvar parameters. Optional.


String vector. A vector of variable names that can be row or column domains (codes and names). Optional.


String. ("ROWVAR" or "COLVAR"). If ratio, defines whether the rowvar or colvar in estimation output table is the denominator.


Logical. If TRUE, a table with the difference of gain and loss along with the variance and standard error, in percent, is generated.


String vector. A vector of names for values in gainloss table.


Logical. If TRUE and savedata=TRUE, adds title to outfile.


Logical. If TRUE, returns a character string of the title of the output data frame.


Logical. If TRUE, saves table(s) to outfolder.


List. See help(table_options()) for a list of options.


List. See help(title_options()) for a list of options.


List. See help(savedata_options()) for a list of options. Only used when savedata = TRUE.


Logical. If gui, user is prompted for parameters.


Parameters for modPBpop() if PBpopdat is NULL.


A list with estimates with percent sampling error for rowvar (and colvar). If sumunits=TRUE or unitvar=NULL and colvar=NULL, one data frame is returned. Otherwise, a list object is returned with the following information. If savedata=TRUE, all data frames are written to outfolder.


DF. Estimated percent cover or area by rowvar, colvar, (and estimation unit).


DF. Percent sampling error of estimates by rowvar, colvar (and estimation unit).


List with 1 or 2 string vectors. If returntitle=TRUE a list with table title(s). The list contains one title if est and pse are in the same table and two titles if est and pse are in separate tables. Row and column tables are also included in list.


List of data frames. If rawdata=TRUE, a list including the processing data used for estimation including: number of plots and conditions; stratification information; and 1 to 8 tables with calculated values for table cells and totals (See processing data below).

Raw data


Table. Number of points by rowvar/colvar (sampled and nonsampled).


Data frame. Strata information by estimation unit.

unitvarestimation unit
areavarIf tabtype='AREA', area by strata for estimation unit
n.stratanumber of plots in strata (after totally nonsampled plots removed)
n.totalnumber of plots for estimation unit
TOTAREAIf tabtype='AREA', total area for estimation unit
strwtproportion of area (or number of plots) by strata (strata weight)
processing data

Data frames. Separate data frames of variables used in estimation process for the rowvar, colvar and combination of rowvar and colvar (if colvar is not NULL), and grand total by estimation unit (unit.rowest, unit.colest, unit.grpest, respectively) and summed estimation units, if FIA=TRUE (rowest, colest, grpest, respectively).

The data frames include the following information:

phatestimated proportion of covered land
phat.varvariance of estimated proportion of covered land
areavarIf tabtype='AREA', total area for estimation unit
estIf tabtype='AREA', estimated area of land phat*areavar If tabtype='PCT', estimated percent cover of land phat*100
est.varvariance of estimated area of land phat.var*areavar
If tabtype='PCT', estimated percent cover of land phat.var*
standard error of estimated area or percent cover sqrt(est.var)
coefficient of variance of estimated area or percent cover
percent sampling error of estimated area of percent cover*100CI99left
left tail of 99 percent confidence interval for estimateCI99right
right tail of 99 percent confidence interval for estimateCI95left
left tail of 95 percent confidence interval for estimateCI95right
right tail of 95 percent confidence interval for estimateCI67left
left tail of 67 percent confidence interval for estimateCI67right

if ratio=TRUE:

phat.nestimated proportion of covered land, for numerator (colvar)
phat.var.nvariance of estimated proportion of covered land, for numerator (colvar)
phat.destimated proportion of covered land, for denominator (rowvar)
phat.var.dvariance of estimated proportion of covered land, for denominator (rowvar)
covarcovariance of estimated proportion of numerator (rowvar) and denominator (colvar)
rhatratio of estimated proportions (numerator-colvar / denominator-rowvar)
rhat.varvariance of ratio of estimated proportions
rhat.sestandard error of ratio of estimated proportions sqrt(rhat.var)
rhat.cvcoefficient of variation of ratio of estimated proportions
areavarIf tabtype='AREA', total area for estimation unit
estIf tabtype='AREA', estimated area of land rhat*areavar If tabtype='PCT', estimated percent cover of land rhat*100
est.varvariance of estimated area of land rhat.var*areavar
If tabtype='PCT', estimated percent cover of land rhat.var*
standard error of estimated area or percent cover sqrt(est.var)
coefficient of variance of estimated area or percent cover
percent sampling error of estimated area of percent cover*100CI99left
left tail of 99 percent confidence interval for estimated areaCI99right
right tail of 99 percent confidence interval for estimated areaCI95left
left tail of 95 percent confidence interval for estimated areaCI95right
right tail of 95 percent confidence interval for estimated areaCI67left
left tail of 67 percent confidence interval for estimated areaCI67right


If variables are NULL, then it will prompt user to input variables.


Stratification is used to reduce variance in population estimates by partitioning the population into homogenous classes (strata), such as forest and nonforest. For stratified sampling methods, the strata sizes (weights) must be either known or estimated. Remotely-sensed data is often used to generate strata weights with proporation of pixels by strata. If stratification is desired (strata=TRUE), the required data include: stratum assignment for the center location of each plot, stored in either pltassgn or cond; and a look-up table with the area or proportion of the total area of each strata value by estimation unit, making sure the name of the strata (and estimation unit) variable and values match the plot assignment name(s) and value(s).

An estimation unit is a population, or area of interest, with known area and number of plots. Individual counties or combined Super-counties are common estimation units for FIA. An estimation unit may also be a subpopulation of a larger population (e.g., Counties within a State). Subpopulations are mutually exclusive and independent within a population, therefore estimated totals and variances are additive. For example, State-level estimates are generated by summing estimates from all subpopulations within the State (Bechtold and Patterson. 2005. Chapter 2). Each plot must be assigned to only one estimation unit.

If sumunits=TRUE, estimates are generated by estimation unit, summed together, and returned as one estimate. If rawdata=TRUE, estimates by individual estimation unit are also returned.

If sumunits=FALSE, estimates are generated and returned by estimation unit as one data frame. If savedata=TRUE, a separate file is written for each estimation unit.

If TRUE and less than 2 plots in any one estimation unit, all estimation units with 10 or less plots are combined. The current method for combining is to group the estimation unit with less than 10 plots with the estimation unit following in consecutive order (numeric or alphabetical), restrained by survey unit (UNITCD) if included in dataset, and continuing until the number of plots equals 10. If there are no estimation units following in order, it is combined with the estimation unit previous in order.

There are several objectives for including rowlut/collut look-up tables: 1) to include descriptive names that match row/column codes in the input table; 2) to use number codes that match row/column names in the input table for ordering rows; 3) to add rows and/or columns with 0 values for consistency. No duplicate names are allowed.

Include 2 columns in the table:
1-the merging variable with same name as the variable in the input merge table;
2-the ordering or descriptive variable.
If the ordering variable is the rowvar/colvar in the input table and the descriptive variable is in rowlut/collut, set row.orderby/col.orderby equal to rowvar/colvar. If the descriptive variable is the rowvar/colvar in the input table, and the ordering code variable is in rowlut/collut, set row.orderby/col.orderby equal to the variable name of the code variable in rowlut/collut.


Frescino, Tracey S.; Moisen, Gretchen G.; Megown, Kevin A.; Nelson, Val J.; Freeman, Elizabeth A.; Patterson, Paul L.; Finco, Mark; Brewer, Ken; Menlove, James 2009. Nevada Photo-Based Inventory Pilot (NPIP) photo sampling procedures. Gen. Tech. Rep. RMRS-GTR-222. Fort Collins, CO: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station. 30 p.

Patterson, Paul L. 2012. Photo-based estimators for the Nevada photo-based inventory. Res. Pap. RMRS-RP-92. Fort Collins, CO: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station. 14 p.


Tracey S. Frescino, Paul L. Patterson, Elizabeth A. Freeman


# \donttest{
# Load necessary data from FIESTA
## Point data
icepntfn <- system.file("extdata",
                         package = "FIESTA")
icepnt <- read.csv(icepntfn)

## Plot data
icepltfn <- system.file("extdata",
                         package = "FIESTA")
iceplt <- read.csv(icepltfn)

## County data
unitareafn <- system.file("extdata", 
                           package = "FIESTA")
unitarea <- read.csv(unitareafn)

## ICE Cover
icecoverfn <- system.file("extdata",
                           package = "FIESTA")
icecover <- read.csv(icecoverfn)
names(icecover) <- sub("cover", "cover_1", names(icecover))

# Set up population data (see ?modPBpop() for more information)
PBpopunit <- modPBpop(pnt = icepnt, 
                      pltassgn = iceplt, 
                      pltassgnid = "plot_id", 
                      pntid = "dot_cnt",
                      unitarea = unitarea, 
                      unitvar = "ESTN_UNIT")
# Photo-based estimation with point-level data by estimation unit (county)                       
## Without summing units
cover1.unit.area <- modPB(
  PBpopdat = PBpopunit,
  tabtype = "AREA",
  rowvar = "cover_1",
  nonsamp.pntfilter = "cover_1 != 999",
  table_opts = list(rowlut = icecover),
  title_opts = list(title.rowvar = "Land Cover (2011)")
#> filter removed 2 records: cover_1 != 999

#>   Land Cover (2011)       11       35    Total
#> 1              Tree  32348.7 129952.9 165240.8
#> 2             Shrub  12070.4  91757.8 106358.3
#> 3   OtherVegetation  96885.2 132489.3 229672.4
#> 4            Barren    55202  54010.3 108670.5
#> 5        Impervious  13518.9  83551.8  99267.8
#> 6             Water 195540.8  25214.8 213333.3
#> 7             Total   405566   516977   922543
## With summing units
cover1.unit.area.sum <- modPB(
  PBpopdat = PBpopunit,
  tabtype = "AREA",
  rowvar = "cover_1",
  nonsamp.pntfilter = "cover_1 != 999",
  sumunits = TRUE,
  table_opts = list(rowlut = icecover),
  title_opts = list(title.rowvar = "Land Cover (2011)")
#> filter removed 2 records: cover_1 != 999

#>   Land Cover (2011) Estimate Percent Sampling Error
#> 1              Tree 162301.7                  13.95
#> 2             Shrub 103828.2                  18.81
#> 3   OtherVegetation 229374.6                  11.86
#> 4            Barren 109212.3                  19.77
#> 5        Impervious  97070.7                  18.72
#> 6             Water 220755.5                  13.26
#> 7             Total   922543                      0
# }