Generate a barplot of from a frequency data frame.
xvar = NULL,
yvar = "FREQ",
grpvar = NULL,
errbars = FALSE,
x.order = NULL,
sevar = NULL,
psevar = NULL,
device.type = "",
jpeg.res = 300,
device.height = 5,
device.width = 8,
horiz = FALSE,
toplabelvar = NULL,
ylim = NULL,
divideby = NULL,
ylabel = NULL,
xlabel = NULL,
mar = NULL,
addlegend = FALSE,
main = NULL,
cex.main = 1,
cex.label = 1,
cex.names = 0.8,
las.xnames = 0,
las.ynames = 1,
savedata = FALSE,
outfolder = NULL,
outfn = NULL,
outfn.pre = NULL, = TRUE,
overwrite = FALSE,
Data frame or comma-delimited file (*.csv) - a frequency table.
String. Name of X variable.
String. Name of the y variable (e.g., FREQ).
String. Name of the variable for grouping.
Logical. If TRUE, error bars are added to bar plot (sevar or psevar must also be populated).
String or Vector. Define order of xvar based on y values: descending ("DESC") or ascending ("ASC") or vector of row numbers. If NULL, the order of the input table is used.
String. Name of the variable with standard error values.
String. Name of the variable with percent standard error.
String. Type(s) of device for plotting ("", "jpg", "pdf").
Integer. Resolution for jpeg image.
Integer. Height (in inches) of barplot, if writing to file.
Integer. Width (in inches) of barplot, if writing to file.
Logical. If TRUE, bars are drawn horizontally with first bar at the bottom. If FALSE, bars are drawn vertically with first bar to the left (barplot parameter).
String. Name of variable in x for adding labels to place above each bar (e.g., NBRPLOTS.gt0).
Number. A vector of min and max values, c(min,max) for the y axis (or x axis if horiz=TRUE). If NULL, defaults to maximum y value. If errbars=TRUE, the ylim defaults to the maximum y value plus the standard error.
String. Conversion number for output ('hundred', 'thousand', 'million').
String. Label for the y axis (same as ylab).
String. Label for the x axis (same as xlab).
See par.. A numerical vector representing number of lines for margins (c(bottom, left, top, right).
Logical. If TRUE, adds legend to bar plot (only applicable if grouping).
String. Title for plot.
Number. Expansion factor for title.
Number. A number representing cex in barplot (size expansion of x and/or ylabels.
Number. Expansion factor for axis names (bar labels) (e.g., 0.5 represents half the size.
Number. The direction of x variable names (0,1,3). 0:diagonal (Default), 1:horizontal; 3:vertical.
Number. The direction of y variable names (0,1,3). 0:diagonal (Default), 1:horizontal; 3:vertical.
Logical. If TRUE, writes output data to outfolder (jpg and pdf).
String. The name of the output folder. If savedata=TRUE, all output saved to the outfolder. If savedata=FALSE, only a text file of input parameters is saved.
String. The name of the output file if savedata=TRUE (*.csv). Do not include extension. If NULL, the file will be named BARPLOT_'yvar_date'.csv
String. Add a prefix to output name (e.g., "01").
Logical. If TRUE, add date to end of outfile (e.g., outfn_'date'.csv).
Logical. If TRUE and exportshp=TRUE, overwrite files in outfolder.
additional arguments to pass to barplot(), including a list of arguments for legend() arguments (e.g., args.legend=list(x="topleft", bty="n"), for moving legend to topleft and removing box around legend).
Outputs barplot to display window.
If parameters = NULL, then it will prompt user for input.
If savedata = TRUE, writes a jpg and pdf of barplot to outfolder.
To add legend parameters, add a parameter named args.legend, defined as a list of specific legend parameters (see ?legend)... e.g., args.legend=list(x="topright"). If specifying x and y, x defines the lower right corner of legend box and y defines the upper right corner of box.
# Set up data frame for example
ftyptab <- data.frame(cbind(FORTYPCD = c(182, 184, 201, 221, 265),
FREQ = c(110, 7, 900, 410, 155),
SE = c(10, 11, 18, 14, 22)))
# Create basic barplot
datBarplot(x = ftyptab, xvar = "FORTYPCD")
# Add standard errors to basic barplot
datBarplot(x = ftyptab, xvar = "FORTYPCD", errbars = TRUE, sevar = "SE")