Generate a barplot of frequencies in order from most to least.
response = "phat",
percent = FALSE,
LUT.color = NULL,
color = "rainbow",
device.type = "default",
jpeg.res = 300,
device.width = 9,
device.height = 6,
mar = NULL,
horiz = TRUE,
bar.lim = NULL,
bar.ratio = 1,
ylabel = NULL,
xlabel = NULL,
las.xnames = NULL,
main.order = NULL,
sub.order = NULL, = NULL,
legend.cex = 0.8,
legend.x = NULL,
legend.y = NULL,
legend.title = NULL,
legend.bty = "o", = par("bg"),
legend.inset = 0,
legend.xpd = par("xpd"),
main = NULL,
cex.main = 1,
cex.label = 1,
cex.names = 0.8,
sub.add0 = FALSE,
savedata = FALSE,
outfolder = NULL,
outfn = NULL,
outfn.pre = NULL, = TRUE,
overwrite = FALSE,
- x
Data frame or comma-delimited file (*.csv) - table of values to be plotted.
- main.attribute
String. The column to be used for each bar.
- sub.attribute
String. The column to be used to subdivide each bar.
- response
String. The column of values to be plotted. Currently defaults to "phat".
- percent
Logical. If TRUE, values cover values in a stack are converted to percent of stack.
- LUT.color
Data frame or comma-delimited file (*.csv) - look up table for colors. Must contain column with same name as sub.attribute.
- color
String. Automated color selection ("rainbow", "topo", "heat", "terrain", "cm").
- device.type
String. The type(s) of device for plotting ("default", "jpg", "pdf", or "ps").
- jpeg.res
Integer. The resolution for jpeg image.
- device.width
Integer. The width of output device (in inches)'
- device.height
Integer. The height of output device (in inches)'
- mar
See par.. A numerical vector representing number of lines for margins (c(bottom, left, top, right).
- horiz
Logical. See barplot. If FALSE, the bars are drawn vertically with the first bar to the left. If TRUE, the bars are drawn horizontally with the first bar at the bottom.
- bar.lim
Number vector. Equivalent to xlim or ylim, for whichever is the lengthwise axis in barcharts (ex. c(0,10)). Warning: for lower limits other than zero (ex. c(20,100), will behave strangely because par(xpd) is set to NA.
- bar.ratio
Proportion of figure area taken up by barplot vs taken by legend.
- ylabel
String. A label for the y axis (same as ylab).
- xlabel
String. A label for the x axis (same as xlab).
- las.xnames
Number. The direction of x variable names (0,1,2,3). 0:Default, parallel; 1:horizontal; 2:perpendicular; 3:vertical.
- main.order
String vector. A vector of main.attribute names in desired order for bars. May also be 'DESC' or 'ASC'.
- sub.order
String vector. Avector of sub.attribute names in desired order for stack, with the first name used as the column in each stack. If NULL, the order is based on the overall cover of each sub.attribute. May also be 'DESC' or 'ASC'.
Logical. Should bar.lim be changed to fit the legend of the plot. Will only be used if the legend is on the right side of a horizontal plot or the top of a vertical plot. (i.e. horiz=FALSE).
- legend.cex
Number. Expansion factor for legend text.
- legend.x
See legend. The x coordinate to be used to position the legend. If horiz=TRUE, suggested options include "topright" or "bottomright". If horiz=FALSE, suggested options include "topleft" or "topright".
- legend.y
See legend. The y coordinate to be used to position the legend.
- legend.title
See legend. A title for the legend.
- legend.bty
See legend. the type of box to be drawn around the legend.
See legend. The background color for the legend box.
- legend.inset
See legend. The distance from the margins as a fraction of the plot region.
- legend.xpd
See legend.
- main
String. Title for plot.
- cex.main
Number. Expansion factor for title.
- cex.label
Number. A number representing cex in barplot (size expansion of x and/or ylabels.
- cex.names
Number. Expansion factor for axis names (bar labels). Ex. 0.5 represents half the size.
- sub.add0
Logical. If TRUE, adds categories with 0 values to sub.attribute legend.
- savedata
Logical. If TRUE, writes output data to outfolder (jpg and pdf).
- outfolder
String. The name of the output folder. If savedata=TRUE, all output saved to the outfolder. If savedata=FALSE, only a text file of input parameters is saved.
- outfn
String. The name of the output file if savedata=TRUE (*.csv). Do not include extension. If NULL, the file will be named BARPLOT_'yvar_date'.csv
- outfn.pre
String. Add a prefix to output name (e.g., "01").
Logical. If TRUE, add date to end of outfile (e.g., outfn_'date'.csv).
- overwrite
Logical. If TRUE and exportshp=TRUE, overwrite files in outfolder.
- ...
list of additional arguments to pass to barplot(); names of the list are used as argument names.
# Note: This function uses a customized lengthwise axis (y axis if horiz=F, x axis if horiz=T) # Therefore to modify this axis by par commands (other than the # ones specifically included above) may require changing the function. For example par(yaxp) # may not work. # # # The arguments bar.lab and bar.lim are equivalent to xlab/ylab, xlim/ylim, controlling # whichever is the lengthwise axis in the bar charts (as determined by horiz). # # # bar.ratio is only used when bar.lim is specified, it controls what percentage of the # plot area will be occupied by the specified range of the chart itself. For example, setting # bar.lim=c(0,80) and bar.ratio=0.75 will result in the 80 region, leaving 25 the bars are taller than 80 bar.lim is not specified, the function will automatically scale the lengthwise axis so # that all the bars are as tall as possible, but none of the bars over lap the legend. # # The main purpose of specifying bar.lim is if you want multiple forest types to be shown at # the same scale, sacrificing individual forest type details to make the graphs comparable # across forest types. Then you may need to fiddle with bar.ratio till the plots all look good.