Database - Gets stratification information from FIA database.
Gets strata information from FIA's Oracle database or FIA DataMart, including: (1) strata and estimation unit assignment per plot; (2) total area by estimation unit; (3) pixel counts and number plots by strata/estimation unit. Include a data frame of plots, states, or evaluation information.
dat = NULL,
uniqueid = "CN",
datsource = "datamart",
data_dsn = NULL,
states = NULL,
eval_opts = eval_options(Cur = TRUE),
savedata = FALSE,
getassgn = TRUE,
pop_plot_stratum_assgn = NULL,
savedata_opts = NULL,
dbconn = NULL,
dbconnopen = FALSE,
evalInfo = NULL,
- dat
Data frame, comma-delimited file (*.csv), or shapefile (*.shp). The strata value is merged to this table and returned as a data frame. See details for necessary variables.
- uniqueid
String. The unique plot identifier of dat (e.g., 'CN').
- datsource
String. Source of data ('datamart', 'sqlite').
- data_dsn
String. If datsource='sqlite', the name of SQLite database (*.sqlite).
- states
String or numeric vector. Name(s) (e.g., 'Arizona','New Mexico') or code(s) (e.g., 4, 35) of states for strata if dat=NULL.
- eval_opts
List of evaluation options for 'FIA' or 'custom' evaluations to determine the set of data returned. See help(eval_options) for a list of options.
- savedata
Logical. If TRUE, writes output to outfolder.
- getassgn
Logical. If TRUE, extracts plot assignments from pop_plot_stratum_assgn table in database.
- pop_plot_stratum_assgn
Data frame. The pop_plot_stratum_assgn for state(s).
- savedata_opts
List. See help(savedata_options()) for a list of options. Only used when savedata = TRUE.
- dbconn
Open database connection.
- dbconnopen
Logical. If TRUE, the dbconn connection is not closed.
- evalInfo
List. List object output from DBgetEvalid or DBgetXY
- ...
For extendibility. FIESTA functions.
FIAstrata - a list of the following objects:
- pltassgn
Data frame. Plot-level strata/estimation unit assignment. If dat is not NULL, strata/estimation unit variables are appended to dat.
- pltassgnid
String. Name of unique identifier of plot in pltassgn.
- unitarea
Data frame. Total acres by estimation unit.
- unitvar
String. Name of the estimation unit variable (ESTN_UNIT).
- areavar
String. Name of the acre variable (ACRES).
- stratalut
Data frame. Strata look-up table with summarized pixel counts (P1POINTCNT) by strata/estimation unit.
- strvar
String. Name of the strata variable (STRATA).
- strwtvar
String. Name of the strata weight variable (P1POINTCNT).
- evalid
List. evalid by state.
Outputs to outfolder (if savedata=TRUE):
- CSV file of pltassgn (*'date'.csv). | |
- CSV file of unitarea (*'date'.csv). | |
- CSV file of stratalut (*'date'.csv). | |
- If collapsed, a CSV file of original classes and new collapsed classes. |
The following variables must be present in dat: STATECD, UNITCD, INVYR, a uniqueid (e.g. "PLT_CN"), and PLOT_STATUS_CD (if nonsampled plots in dataset).
FS_FIADB.SURVEY | To get latest inventory year. | |
FS_FIADB.POP_EVAL | To get EVALID and EVALID years. | |
FS_FIADB.POP_ESTN_UNIT | To get total area by estimation unit (AREATOT_EU-includes water). | |
FS_FIADB.POP_STRATUM | To get pixel counts by stratum and estimation unit. | |
FS_FIADB.POP_PLOT_STRATUM_ASSGN | To get estimation unit & stratum assignment for each plot. |
Area by estimation unit includes total area for all plots (Type="CURR").
Steps used in data extraction:
Get EVALID and EVALID years by state - DBgetEvalid().
unitarea: get total area by estimation unit for EVALID (POP_ESTN_UNIT).
stratalut: get pixel counts by estimation unit and stratum for EVALID (POP_STRATUM).
pltassgn: get estimation unit and stratum assignment for each plot for EVALID. (POP_PLOT_STRATUM_ASSGN).
If dat is not NULL, merge pltassgn assignment to dat.
Merge number of plots to stratalut
Check for only 1 MEASYEAR or 1 INVYR and number of plots by strata/estimation unit. If less than minimumnum plots per strata/estimation unit collapse using the following algorithm.
Strata collapsing:
If there are less than minplotnum (10) plots in the
smallest strata of the estimation unit, these plots are grouped with the
larger strata in the same estimation unit and defined as the highest strata
value. If, after grouping, there are still less than minplotnum, all of
these plots are combined with the corresponding strata of the estimation
unit above. If there are no records above, then they are combined with the
estimation unit below. The process repeats, grouping the strata to the
highest strata value if necessary. All grouping is restrained within survey
units (UNITCD).
More than one evaluation:
If attributing a table of plots and there are
plots that have been visited more than once, all plots are assigned an
estimation unit and strata value, but the area and strata proportions are
from the most current evaluation for the dataset. The plots outside the most
current evaluation are attributes with values from the next most current
evaluation occurring in the database.
if (FALSE) { # \dontrun{
# Get strata for the most current evaluation of a state (ex. Wyoming)
WYstrat1 <- DBgetStrata(states = "Wyoming",
eval_opts = list(Cur = TRUE))
# Get strata information for a specific set of plots
WYstrat4 <- DBgetStrata(dat = WYplt)
} # }